Sponsored: More than Mayo and Mustard: Conquering Condiments
Condiments act to enhance flavors of food and for sandwiches, mayonnaise and mustard are often the “go-to” condiments, but they can get a bit boring. Let’s explore other easy options to make your sandwiches and wraps a bit more interesting:
Sponsored: Buying local year round
For many of us the idea of buying local foods to support our community makes sense in the summer months when fruits and vegetables are in season. But what about the rest of the year?
Sponsored: Leah’s List: (More) Book Recommendations
1. Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know Adam Grant — “It takes confident humility to admit that we’re a work in progress. It shows that we care more about improving ourselves that proving ourselves.”
Sponsored: Leah’s List of Book Recommendations
One of my “Pandemic Positives” has been reading more non-fiction books. Pre-Pandemic I’d describe my reading habits as “escapism”; I’d look for fiction, biographies and mysteries to distract me from a busy schedule of travel, speaking and writing.
Sponsored: Ways to Save on Grocery Shopping
It’s no secret that the cost of food items has increased at supermarkets across the country since the start of the Pandemic in March of 2020.
Sponsored: What does “grass fed” mean and is it better for you?
It’s important to understand that most beef cattle graze on grasses. Even when cattle are moved to feedlots, their rations, calculated by animal nutritionists, are a mix of grasses and grains. Grass fed beef are cattle that are fed or graze on grasses for the majority of their lives. Grasses can include legumes (like soy) or cereal grains (like corn, rye, oats, barley) in the vegetative state (pre-grain).
Sponsored: The Team Players of the Food Scene
The term “superfood” is a marketing term used to sell products. Each year a different pricey “superfood” seems to attract a lot of attention.
Sponsored: Coping with Covid19 – Shopper Tips
It is undeniable that starting in March of 2020 the global Pandemic has caused disruptions in the supply chain. The early days of the Pandemic saw stockpiling of toilet paper and buying up flour for sourdough bread.
Sponsored: Looking at Labels
With so many food items in the supermarket it can get confusing. What should you pay attention to? Where should you look?
Sponsored: How do your nuts measure up?
Often people talk about nuts in a general way, as if they all taste the same, and we know that’s not true! What about nutrition? Which nuts are standouts in different categories?