Letters reflect engaged community
In the 26 years we’ve been publishing this newspaper, I don’t think we’ve ever had the onslaught of letters to the editor as has been happening since November.
Shine the light on backdoor dealings
Editor's note: The following letter to the editor erroneously claims that the email referenced was sent by Fontana Regional Library board member Leah Gaston. Through its own independent reporting, The Smoky Mountain News had previously confirmed that Leah's husband, Jim, sent that email from Leah's account.
To the Editor:
Thank you to Smoky Mountain News staff writer Hannah McLeod for the informative article about the leaked email from a library board member who requested a behind-the-scenes discussion with the Macon County commissioners.
Congress needs to do its job
To the Editor:
I did not vote for Elon Musk, and I am pretty sure that no one else did either as he was not on any ballot. Then, why is this man able to disrupt and make changes in our governmental system and programs? Sens. Tillis and Budd, and Rep. Edwards, do your jobs!
GOP does not own the Bible
To the Editor:
Trump and his sidekick billionaire know exactly why our Constitution was intentionally designed with three branches of government. The speed with which they look to dismantle our checks and balances is proof that they look to install a government like Victor Orbàn has done in Hungary.
Kindness is a powerful force
To the Editor:
Political leaders are claiming they want to unite Americans. What they suggest is a top-down system which they can take credit for, rescuing millions of people all at one time.
Me thinks they protest too much
To the Editor:
The recent outrage by an ever-increasing number of Democrat talking heads about actions by Elon Musk and DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) brings to mind a play by William Shakespeare.
Big Pharma ads are lies
To the Editor:
Lately there have been video ads on YouTube and TV that say “Biden Raided and Broke Medicare,” that Biden raised the price of pills for seniors. This is beyond the scope of “misinformation,” it is a barefaced lie of the absolute worst kind.
Wake up before it’s too late
To the Editor:
I made granola today. I know that doesn’t sound like news, or even worth a letter to the editor. But it’s pretty significant for me because my anxiety has been so high, that I haven’t been able to do the everyday things I should be doing — like making the granola I’ve been out of for the last two weeks.
Watch your bank account
To the Editor:
Trump and his puppet master Elon Musk are killing our economy that was recovering better than any other major nation after the terrible worldwide COVID experience, an economy with bipartisan infrastructure investments that were good for working people and poised to take off in a measured and secure way with inflation down and jobs up.