Don’t weaken floodplain ordinance
To the Editor:
The following comments relate to the ongoing discussion about changing the Macon County floodplain ordinance to allow fill to be added. The answer to the added fill question should be a resounding “no” for reasons that I will cite below.
Finding meaning in life’s twists and turns
I recently experienced a visual about worrying. It was a mountain where the highest point is the peak of worry.
How is it that Trump is embraced?
To the Editor:
“How is it possible, what has lobotomized people who cheer and celebrate the most transparent fraud, the most outrageous liar, the most straitjacket-ready psycho ever visited on the body politic?” Those are the words of Hal Crowther, longtime journalist and essayist.
No such thing as trans person
To the Editor:
Trans person filmed in WCU bathroom ... that’s false information. There are no trans persons.
Looking forward to SMN in 2049
This week SMN is celebrating its 25th anniversary as a business. As we mark the milestone, this industry is changing so fast it’s dizzying.
Could Trump be a president for all?
To the Editor:
Recently Donald Trump spoke at the NRA convention and promised to roll back gun control measures enacted under Biden and fire the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Some legislation really helps
To the Editor:
Everyone deserves to live a healthy life with financial security. We want to pay less for prescription drugs and live in a world that we can pass on to our grandchildren where carbon pollution is dramatically reduced.
Border situation is a disaster
To the Editor:
It is amazing how people focus on the abortion issue yet ignore important issues that affect far more people. I guess focusing on abortion keeps liberals from focusing on the failures of the Biden administration and the awful state of our nation.
Robinson’s comment taken out of context
To the Editor:
I wish to respond to the recent letter from Margaret Pickett of Highlands which she opened with the following statement:
“In North Carolina we have a candidate for governor who is alleged/reputed to have said, ‘I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote … We want to bring back the America where Republicans and principles and true ideas of freedom rule.’