Letters to the Editor

Don’t be taken in by Elon Musk

To the Editor:

I write to correct misinformation in a letter to the editor written by David Lawson. He made two statements which are false.

His first mistake accuses the Social Security Administration of issuing benefits to more people over age 100 that are alive.

A simple internet search will tell anyone that for years the Social Security Administration used the older COBOL computer system, and it can’t process people without a birth date properly, so it defaults to 150. Updating when possible would have cost $9 million, and the SSA would rather spend that on benefits, knowing that the age number 150 is moot to anyone who is trained to use the SSA system. Unfortunately, Elon Musk’s minions are not trained, and have misunderstood and publicized this incorrect information.

The second statement is that people without Social Security numbers receive benefits. Again incorrect. In fact, Social Security numbers are required to be submitted before one can apply for benefits, and without a Social Security Number, the system will not disburse payments. Anyone who has looked at a Social Security Administration statement, online or on paper, can easily see that payments are disbursed only to those with Social Security numbers.

Please do not be taken in by the propaganda we are being fed by Elon Musk, an unelected gazillionaire who has apparently bought the ear of the media.

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