Now is the time to get involved
To the Editor:
As a woman who is active in Indivisible and has protested the decisions of our government since the inauguration, I find myself waking each day thinking “What can I do? What should I do?”
Thankful to live in this community
To the Editor:
On what was supposed to be a simple one-mile hike off an overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway, I managed to turn a peaceful afternoon stroll into an 11-hour misadventure that ended with a helicopter rescue, a hospital stay and a whole new appreciation for our local heroes.
Pless works against taxpayers
To the Editor:
State Rep. Mark Pless, R-Haywood, is facilitating property de-annexation with a group of current Town of Maggie Valley property owners. They are testing the water to see if they can put more dollars in their pockets, take tax dollars away from the Town and allow unfettered development to their parcels.
Paul Revere rides again
To the Editor:
The other night I dreamed I heard hoofbeats on Main Street in Sylva. At first, I paid them no mind. Maybe a member of the wagon train that lumbers through Western North Carolina each summer. Yet, the hoofbeats got louder and louder as the rider approached the red light in the middle of town. He was bellowing out, “The billionaires are here.”
Trump and Musk are a joke
To the Editor:
Despite what MAGA Republicans say, our esteemed president inherited a robust economy from President Biden (except for egg prices, apparently). The stock market was booming, unemployment was low and inflation was going down.
Are they malicious or incompetent?
To the Editor:
Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk incompetent or malevolent in their actions toward America and the American people? You decide.
Trump complained about the lack of water to fight the fires in Los Angeles. He said he ordered two reservoirs north of the fires to release water.
President, secretaries control agencies
To the Editor:
It seems many have talked about the three branches of government and their separation and nonelected personnel. I don’t know why people don’t realize that the President is the head of the Executive Branch and can control hiring and firing in his 15 departments.
A tale of two hospital systems
To the Editor:
An elderly person very dear to me that I’ve known my whole life recently fell in her home, breaking her arm and acquiring another more serious complication. Because of the serious complication, the local hospital sent her to the bigger regional hospital.
Don’t be taken in by Elon Musk
To the Editor:
I write to correct misinformation in a letter to the editor written by David Lawson. He made two statements which are false.
His first mistake accuses the Social Security Administration of issuing benefits to more people over age 100 that are alive.
Musk-DOGE will lead to more fraud
To the Editor:
Many of the letter writers the week of February 28 have a grasp of what is happening in the U.S. However, a couple do not seem to understand the reality behind the MAGA claims.