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To the Editor:

We need to be clear that the impeachment inquiry is about extortion and not quid pro quo. Quid pro quo (one thing for another) refers to a mutually desired transaction. Both parties get something they want for mutual benefit. A bribe is quid pro quo because each party gets what each wants. A political donor giving a million dollars in exchange for getting a prized ambassadorship is quid pro quo.


To the Editor:

In the stifling summer humidity of Philadelphia a couple of centuries ago, a group of men put their John Hancocks (one of them literally) on a document that many Americans claim to hold dear. Those brave and principled men pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor when they declared war against King George III. 


Martin M. Sohovich, financial advisor with Ameriprise Financial, will once again be helping children in Haywood County at Christmas time. 


Folkmoot is proud to partner with the Mountain Memories organization and Waynesville’s own Bob Plott to launch the Mountain Memories performance series at historic Queen Auditorium on the Folkmoot campus.

The series opens with “Mountain Memories No. 1: A Hazelwood Gathering” at Saturday, Nov. 16, at the Folkmoot Friendship Center in Waynesville. Doors open at 6 p.m. with food and beverages available in the cafeteria. The “Mountain Memories” show starts at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. 


If you’re trying to cut down on added sugar, you may be looking for some lower calorie on non-caloric sweetening options. Here are different options you should spot at your Ingles Market:

SYLVA – N.C. Department of Transportation officials have awarded an emergency repair contract to Buckeye Bridge to repair a bridge on Interstate 40 in Haywood County that will require the westbound lanes to be closed for up to five days this month. 


By Jesse-lee Dunlap • Guest Columnist

After last Tuesday’s town hall forum at Frog Level Brewing, I found myself shocked and dismayed by the number of folks who without any shame stood up in public and asked city officials to move homelessness out of their eyesight. I also found myself very proud of my mayor and other community members who stood up for our homeless population.


To the Editor:

I keep trying to grasp how a brewery can be the voice for a community battling addiction. 


A new drought map released Thursday, Oct. 31, shows conditions normalizing throughout the state for the first time since an Oct. 3 map listed nine counties as experiencing severe drought with 48 counties in moderate drought. 


A celebration of life for Aurelia Turpin Kennedy, co-founder of the Nantahala Outdoor Center, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, at NOC near Bryson City. 


It’s hunting season in Western North Carolina, and non-hunters are encouraged to be proactive about ensuring their safety while in the woods.


Cataloochee Ski Area became the first ski resort on the East Coast — and one of 11 nationwide — to open for the 2019-2020 season with the first tracks made as of 8:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 3. 


It used to be that meat jerky was something that was primarily purchased by hunters, campers, fishermen and military soldiers as a convenient, portable and satisfying snack. With the advent of low carbohydrate (low carb) diets like Whole30, Keto and Paleo, more of the general public has looked to find snacks that are high in proteim - and the spotlight is on jerky.

Voters across Western North Carolina will be making important local decisions at the polls this election season, including choosing who will lead their small town as mayor for the next few years. The Smoky Mountain News talked to mayoral candidates in Waynesville, Maggie Valley and Franklin about their vision for the future.


A new Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway chapter is forming in Western North Carolina, and everyone interested in learning more is invited to an informational meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5, at the Haywood County Sheriff’s Department in Waynesville. 


Back of Beyond: A Horace Kephart Biography has been named the winner of the 2019 Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award, which is given annually to an outstanding work of fiction, nonfiction, drama or poetry that focus on Western North Carolina. 


By Hannah McLeod • Guest Columnist

The raid that led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was possible because of our military presence (the brave men and women who serve), allies in the region and intelligence agencies. The president of the respected Council on Foreign Relations said on Sunday, “The irony of the successful operation against al-Baghdadi is that it could not have happened without U.S. forces on the ground that have been pulled out, help from Syrian Kurds who have been betrayed, and support of a U.S. intelligence community that has so often been disparaged.” It is true that Donald Trump has pulled troops from Syria in a hasty decision that occurred without forethought, abandoned our Kurdish allies, and regularly criticizes and undermines the work of the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Trump often criticizes these agencies as part of his “deep state” conspiracy. 


To the Editor:

Even though I do not agree with everything Franklin Graham said in the interview that appeared two weeks ago in The Smoky Mountain News, I found it overall thoughtful and respectful. I found it unfortunate that the Editor, Scott McLeod, had to write a commentary defending the interview. We are in a strange place in our country when it comes to public discourse. It used to be seen as valuable to listen and learn from others with different viewpoints and opinions. Now, too often differences of opinions are viewed as “dangerous” or even “hateful.” Thanks for trying to take a balanced approach and offer the public different opinions in your publication.

Andrew Gray



To the Editor:

On Wednesday, Oct. 23 — the day after William Taylor gave damning testimony about the Trump Administration’s quid pro quo on Ukrainian aid in exchange for information which it might use against a possible political opponent — several dozen Republican members of the House stormed the secure room where the three committees (Intelligence, Oversight, Foreign Affairs) conducting the impeachment inquiry were meeting. They attempted to intimidate a witness and willfully broke House rules by bringing electronic devices into a room where they are expressly forbidden.

Thirteen of the Republicans who participated in this lawless, disingenuous, grandstanding effort to discredit the process are already allowed to attend the meetings — including our own Representative, Mark Meadows! In fact, 47 (one out of every four) Republicans can attend all the impeachment meetings by virtue of being a member on one of the three committees. Republicans have participated in every single private deposition.

The meetings are being held behind closed doors to ensure that witness testimony independently corroborates each other’s reporting of events. Otherwise critics would, rightly, be able to claim that witnesses put words in one another’s mouth by virtue of being able to read or watch each other’s testimony. This process of private testimony is consistent with the proceedings used in both Nixon’s and Clinton’s impeachment efforts. Public testimony and questioning come later.

It is shameful that members of the country’s highest legislative body would be willing to flagrantly break House rules. It is even more shameful that President Trump was told about the stunt ahead of time and did nothing to stop it. It is a telling sign that they are scared and getting desperate. With more witnesses coming forward who discredit the President’s claim that there was no quid pro quo in his dealings with the Ukraine, Republicans seem to feel they have to resort to hooliganism, bullying and disruption in order to distract us from the facts which are emerging. Unable to find legitimate, credible ways to defend the President, Republicans have fallen back on creating turmoil and confusion to sidetrack the discussion. We should be able to expect more professional behavior from our elected representatives, including Rep. Mark Meadows!

Maria Chasins



To the Editor:

My husband and I were traveling through Jackson County headed home to Florida when we had a flat tire. I turned into the first parking lot I came to. It happened to be a family restaurant (Kostas, I think it was). It was Sunday late afternoon and the restaurant was closed, as was anywhere to get a flat fixed. My husband had a stroke less than a year ago so he could not help me. 

I called your sheriff’s office just to see if they knew where I could get help. The lady I spoke with said she would find me some help. Before the officer got to me a man named José, who works at the restaurant, came out. He got my spare from underneath my van. He took my old tire off and put the spare on. 

Before he could finish, my jack, which was a cheap one that came with my van, broke and the car fell. José called a friend who brought another jack and helped José change the tire. My spare is a donut and after all of that work, it turned out to be almost flat. Jose’s friend went back to his house and got an air compressor and came back to air up my tire. They took well over an hour out of their day to help a stranger. Neither man would take any money for their help, which we offered numerous times. They just said, “No, we’re not doing it for money.” 

These two men were a tremendous blessing to my husband and me. Just wanted everyone know that honor, integrity and character matter, and they are represented in your town. 

Not to leave out the sheriff’s office, they did show. But as they, were busy keeping your streets safe, José and his friend were almost finished when the officer arrived. Thank you so much. 

Charles and Rhonda Dalton 

Florida residents


To the Editor:

With the whirlwind of horrors in Syria, perhaps we should remind ourselves of basics:

• The Kurds have long been allies of the US and western Europe. They fought on our side in World War I and II. In World War I the Turks sided with Germany. 

• In Syria, the Kurds have saved countless American lives by fighting and killing thousands of ISIS terrorist fighters. The Kurds captured hundreds more ISIS and put them in prisons. The Kurds had also re-taken ISIS-held land — until Trump betrayed them without warning. Until we betrayed them. Over 11,000 Kurdish soldiers have died fighting ISIS. Over 20,000 have been wounded. Sure, they’re fighting for their own families’ lives, too. But they’re saving ours.

• As of October 13, Kurdish soldiers are fighting for their families and their own lives against the invading Turkish army and its warplanes raining fire.

Answer this question for yourself: Why, in only one phone call, would Trump be so persuaded by Turkey’s ruler Erdogan that he, Trump, would betray our brave allies? That’s what Trump did by letting Turkey invade Syria. Trump owes Erdogan big-time because he has two large Trump buildings in Turkey. He depended on Erdogan for getting them built, the first in 2010.

Trump must have known he was giving Erdogan permission to commit genocide against the Kurds — many hundreds of families, grandparents to babies. Erdogan and fellow extremist Muslims have wanted to annihilate them for decades. Many Kurds are Christians, as are my friend Marielle’s family. Her grandparents were the only ones in their family able to flee Turkey for Syria in the early 20th century; Turks slaughtered all the rest. 

As the current invasion got going, American soldiers were trying to leave chaotic, bomb-pocked Syria without getting killed. American troops got no warning that they would be ordered to abandon our bases immediately. Our top military leaders and national security heads got no warning from Trump. The Turks have almost killed many American soldiers already by accidental bombing. This is not “friendly fire.” 

A second question to ask yourself, dear reader: who wins from this historic betrayal? Every expert’s answer, including esteemed Republicans: Russia, Turkey and Iran. Trump owes Turkey and Russia. Turkey owes Russia. The more we Americans betray what we like to think we stand for, the more powerful Russia gets. Look at a map. Putin just got a short route into the Mediterranean. 

Mary Jane Curry

Haywood County


To the Editor:

North Carolina law now requires that everyone voting in 2020 must have an approved form of voter ID that includes a photo. The state primary will be March 3, 2020, and you will need an approved voter ID in order to vote.  Approved voter IDs include: N.C. drivers’ license, N.C. state ID or Real ID, U.S. passport, U.S. military ID, federally recognized tribal enrollment card, state recognized tribal card if approved by N.C. Board of Elections, student ID if approved by N.C.  Board of Elections (check website to see if your school is approved and ID must have an expiration date), employee ID (state, college, local governments), other state ID if voter registration is within 90 days (those over 65 can use picture ID even if expired if it was valid at the age of 65).

You can also apply for a voter ID card at your county Board of Elections and get one at no cost. You need to provide name, date of birth and last four digits of your Social Security number. You can apply the same day as voter registration but may get card in the mail. The card cannot he used for other state events, only for voting. You cannot get a card on the last day of early voting and Election Day. If you lose the card,  it will be replaced free. If you move or change your party affiliation, you will not need a new card.

For more information, check the N.C. Board of Elections website at

Mary A. Herr 



The Haywood County Arts Council (HCAC) is pleased to announce the winner of the Haywood County Open Studio Tour logo contest. 


Musicians, not actors, propel a recently-released movie about hard times in Depression-era Appalachia that is gaining recognition and awards on the indie film circuit, with a Western Carolina University faculty member in a prominent role.


Most of us, including children, do not eat enough foods with fiber. Some of the benefits of eating foods with fiber include:

North Carolina and federal agriculture agencies will be better able to collaborate on land management following establishment of a new agreement.


The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission wants to hear about hellbender sightings, part of agency biologists’ ongoing effort to learn more about where the giant salamanders live and how their populations are faring. 


Haywood Community College fish and wildlife management technology students Parker Grandy and Andrew Jones have won the 2019 Dave Dudek Wildlife Award from the HCC Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 


The latest round of awards from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund totals $14.3 million, with nearly $3 million of that going to conservation projects in Western North Carolina. 


A bridge on the Foothills Parkway between Walland and Wears Valley, Tennessee, has been newly dedicated as Dean Stone Bridge, complete with a bronzed marker. 


The Lake Junaluska landscaping department finished third in a national gardening photography contest sponsored by the gardening supply company Kinsman Company. 


To the Editor:

The Rev. Franklin Graham (whose father, Billy Graham, my family and I saw in The Boston Gardens in the 1950s) repeatedly states his ministry is not political even though he continually praises President Donald Trump and condemns Democrats.

“The world is changing,” Rev. Graham said, “culture is changing, attitudes toward things have changed, but God’s laws don’t change.”

How am I to believe that, Rev. Graham, when the son of the “nation’s pastor” (as your father was known) travels the country praising the most immoral, dishonest and incompetent president this country has ever known?

Asking foreign countries to discredit a political opponent illegally corrupts our elections, Rev. Graham. Conditioning our foreign policy with any foreign government on such political “favors” corrupts our national integrity. Withholding military aid from Ukraine defending itself against Russian incursion aids and gives comfort to our enemies. That is treason.

At some point in time Republican Senators and the Republican Party are going to have to choose whether to defend the traitor in the White House or defend the rule of law. And so are you, Rev. Graham, and so are your disciples.

David L. Snell 



To the Editor:

U.S. taxpayers buy rapid-fire weapons for qualified military personnel, which is a vital part of the “common defense” set forth by the Constitution. Yet some U.S. taxpayers obtain those military weapons and use them to kill their fellow Americans. Thus, all Americans are being denied equal protection under our laws.

Our military as well as homeland security must be rendered capable of providing for the “common defense” if we are to have equal protection. Congress must take steps to make this happen. Profit from sales of assault weapons must be sacrificed by the few in order to protect the masses.

Singer Donna Fargo put it like this in a great country song titled “Superman” — “Now, let’s go through this one more time. You do your thing and I’ll do mine. But, honey baby, we got to draw the line if your hang-up starts messin’ with mine.”

The right to own an assault weapon is certainly messin’ with people’s “hang-up” about their desire to live safely in America.

Fund the military. Assure Second Amendment gun rights. Ban assault weapon sales and ownership for non-military personnel. Assure equal protection for all Americans!

Dave Waldrop



To the Editor:

I’m writing to acknowledge my support for the re-election of Gavin Brown as mayor of Waynesville. I have worked with Gavin for many years on various projects for the town. He is a passionate and dedicated leader for Waynesville. He grew up here, which gives him an historical knowledge of the town that benefits his perspective on future development. His insight into the community’s challenges and needs is honest and pragmatic. He listens to and accepts public input and is willing to voice his true opinion. His sincere affection for the community and his desire to continually improve Waynesville is evident to everyone. 

Mark Clasby



In January 2019, the National Institute on Drug Abuse issued an updated report on the use of opioids in the United States, including this observation:

In 2017, more than 47,000 Americans died as a result of an opioid overdose, including prescription opioids, heroin, and illicitly manufactured fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid. That same year, an estimated 1.7 million people in the United States suffered from substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers, and 652,000 suffered from a heroin use disorder (not mutually exclusive).


The Waynesville Police Department was called to the area of The Open Door Ministry on Commerce Street around 11:31 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, in reference to a subject being stabbed.


People can disagree on whether or not Donald Trump should be removed from office. That is our right. But there can be no disagreement about the facts. 

Trump would be, technically, the third president to be impeached, following Andrew Johnson — among other things for his removal of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton —  and Bill Clinton (for having sexual relations with that woman and then lying about it under oath). Obviously Nixon was on his way but chose to flee the scene rather than undergo trial. Of those impeached, none have been removed from office. 


To the Editor:

Last week, the White House Counsel sent a letter to the House leadership that claims Trump is immune from congressional oversight and from impeachment. Trump said he can refuse to “participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry.” He will reject all requests for documents and testimony, and ignore all subpoenas because he thinks Congress is not treating him “fairly”.

Trump is not saying that he has legal grounds to refuse congressional requests. He doesn’t even claim executive privilege. Instead, he says the entire inquiry is simply unfair, and therefore he can reject all of it. Trump asserts the House is violating his “civil liberties” and “due process” rights. Well, the Constitution says nothing about the particular processes by which the House has to carry out impeachment. The House can establish any rules it wants. Trump demands privileges, such as being able to cross-examine witnesses, which are a matter for the trial phase of impeachment, which happens in the Senate.

If Congress cannot exercise its power of oversight or its power of impeachment, it means Trump doesn’t have to answer to anyone and that essentially makes the president a king.

So will Republicans stand up to Trump’s assault on the very idea of checks and balances? Remember when they cried “Tyranny!” when Barack Obama signed an executive order, or shouted “Stonewalling!” if the Obama administration resisted a single document request from Congress. Remember when they called out the Constitution and the rule of law so seriously when they demanded Bill Clinton’s removal from office?

Why won’t the Republicans stand up to this assault on our democratic norms? Maybe they’re cowards, afraid of backlash from Trump himself and his most rabid supporters. Maybe they don’t actually believe in the Constitution if it isn’t delivering the outcomes they want. In any case, they are helping Trump drag our entire democratic system down.

John Barry



Macon County youth recently placed in an archery and sharpshooting completion that included 380 4H members from across the state.


Four Haywood County swimmers scored at the Senior Games state swim meet this fall, held Saturday, Sept. 21, at the Triangle Aquatic Center in Cary. 


The Lumberjack Team at Haywood Community College took first place at the 24th annual John G. Palmer Intercollegiate Woodsmen’s Meet, held Saturday, Oct. 5, at the Cradle of Forestry in the Pisgah National Forest. 


A newly conserved 139 acres in Haywood County will connect the Town of Canton’s Rough Creek watershed property to other tracts of protected land, permanently protecting wildlife habitat, scenic views from public trails and water quality. 


An additional 43 acres has been added to the Tessentee Bottomland Preserve owned by Mainspring Conservation Trust in southern Macon County. 


This summer’s Mountain Wildlife Days event in Sapphire was one of the most successful ever, and Mountain Wildlife Outreach will use the funds raised to provide live animal programs in Western North Carolina schools this academic year. 


151 Smokey Park Hwy., Asheville • Thursday, October 24 • 3-6 p.m.

To the Editor:

Think about it! Donald Trump didn’t need to be President. He much prefers business to government and certainly didn’t need politics to make him rich. He would have been content to finish out his life proud of his accomplishments and enjoy his family and friends but he saw people being left behind and huge problems not only being ignored but also being exacerbated, by both parties.


To the Editor:

There is no there there! The “there” is the latest accusation from the Democrats that President Donald Trump committed something wrong in a phone call with the president of the Ukraine and therefore should be impeached. The accusation is based on a whistleblower’s second- or third-hand accounts. No law was broken, there is no threat to national security and therefore no high crime and misdemeanor, which is the standard for impeachment. Without following the constitutional process, U.S. House Democrats have gone wild with misguided hearings and inflammatory comments to the media.


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