Haywood County Cares — Sherry Green & Jamie Hawkins

Sherry Green and Jamie Hawkins have worked for A Better Clean as contractors cleaning the campuses of Haywood Community College for the past few months. Little did they know when they started this job back in early winter that they would be tasked with the role of keeping things clean around the county’s emergency operations center also.
Along with their co-workers, Green and Hawkins clean the facilities that Haywood uses to manage this crisis during the emergency declaration. Without their vital help, the massive task of keeping the Emergency Operations Center clean for everyone working there would be enormous.
“He and I are both glad and excited to be able to help during this time of pandemic to keep everything clean and safe for the staff. We are honored to be here and to be a part of the effort,” said Green. “We all have to work together through this.”
“I’m just glad to be doing my part to help out and keep the virus under control. I’m also really thankful to be working right now, I know there are thousands out of work, and it makes me even more grateful to be here now.”