Sponsored: How do you make buttermilk
Traditionally buttermilk used to be a naturally fermented beverage, the leftover product of the churning of cream to make butter.
Sponsored: Here are some ways to get to the facts
I’ve been a Registered Dietitian for almost 30 years and have served in the US Army as a dietitian and worked in Public Health in South Carolina has a dietitian. In the last 10 years I’ve seen an increasing level of fear about food and the ingredients in food. I think much of this has to do with social media and click-bait (alarming) headlines. You could basically be convinced that anything you eat or drink and a variety of ingredients are harmful — if you look hard enough.
Sponsored: 5 Expensive Mistakes People Make Grocery Shopping
1. Shopping when hungry. When we’re hungry EVERYTHING looks good! We find ourselves putting things in our shopping cart because the packaging is appealing, and the descriptions sound tasty…and who can resist the smell of freshly baked breads or donuts when we’re hungry (or “hangry”).
Sponsored: “The Dose Makes the Poison”
Many people are fond of throwing around fearmongering words like: “poisonous”, “toxic”, and “dangerous” when it comes to certain foods, beverages, or ingredients – especially if it is something they don’t like or approve of.
Sponsored: Who is Laura Lynn?
Question: I’ve recently moved to NC and just started shopping at a nearby Ingles Markets. Who is “Laura Lynn” and who makes these products?
Sponsored: What Does “Eat Local” Mean When It Comes to Food?
There’s no easy answer to this one because there’s no hard definition of “local”. For some, local may mean:
Sponsored: What is Erythritol?
Erythritol is a classified as a polyol or sugar alcohol and is a type of carbohydrate. It is found naturally in some foods like pears, melons, and grapes and can be manufactured.
Sponsored: A look at "Fasting"
Different forms of “fasting” seem to be in the news a lot lately from “time-restricted eating” (TRE), to intermittent fasting (IF) and circadian rhythm eating (CRE).
Sponsored: Turn 3 Ingredients into 5 Quick Meal Ideas
How creative are you in the kitchen? What staples do you keep on hand to make quick meals?
Sponsored: When “Natural” Isn’t the Best Choice
Often we may see or hear people proclaim that certain products, treatments, foods or ingredients in foods are “natural” and therefore better.