Sponsored: ‘The More You Do…the More You’re Able to Do’
I remember my mom saying this when I remarked one time on how busy and active she was even well into her 70’s; ‘Leah, the more I do, the more I’m able to do and the less I do, the less I feel like doing anything at all.’.
Sponsored: The Bonus of BEANS
One of my resolutions for 2024 is to try and incorporate more beans into our weekly meals.
Sponsored: Give your water some flavor
Question: I feel like I should be drinking more water, but I really don’t like plain water. Any suggestions?
Sponsored: Is sea salt or iodized better for high blood pressure?
Question: Is it better for me to use a kosher or sea salt instead of regular iodized salt if I have high blood pressure?
Sponsored: Kombucha and gut health
Question: I have been having a lot of stomach issues. Do you think drinking kombucha could help?
Sponsored: Are you a Sweet or Salty Melon Person?
Whether it’s a honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, muskmelon, casaba, or some type of melon more difficult to find;
Sponsored: Picky Eaters: When Should You Be Concerned?
Children often go through phases of refusing certain foods or only wanting to eat specific foods; this can be a normal part of their development.
Sponsored: How can I find low-sodium breads at Ingles?
One quick way to find low(er) sodium products is to use the iCurbside app. This app is available in your Google or Apple stores and can be downloaded for free.
Sponsored: How much protein should I be getting in one day?
There is not necessarily an easy answer to this since protein needs depend on a few factors like:
Sponsored: I'd rather not take any medication…
Question: I would rather not take any medication…are there foods that can help lower my blood pressure and cholesterol?