Sponsored: Produce Picks-try something new!
Are you a creature of habit when it comes to buying produce? How about trying some new/different items!
Sponsored: Food Fears vs Food Facts
There's a lot of information as well as misinformation about food and nutrition these days. It can definitely get confusing.
Sponsored: Try something new
Fruits & Vegetables at Ingles Markets
Sponsored: Nutrient Dense versus Calorie Dense
Have you heard the term "nutrient dense"? This often means something very different than calorie dense.
Sponsored: Do herbal teas help with weight gain?
Q: Are there herbal teas that I could drink that will help with weight gain during pre-menopause or menopause?
Sponsored: Is a low-carb diet safe?
Do you think a low or no carbohydrate diet is safe?
Sponsored: Caution with supplements
Often we hear that different vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements may help with everything from our skin elasticity to gut health and from joint pain to the symptoms of the cold or flu.
Sponsored: Keto-friendly foods
Q: What are some “keto-friendly” foods that Ingles sells?
Sponsored: Recipe sources
Q: I am looking for recipes to share with seniors through the community center, do you have any suggestions?
Sponsored: Cottage Cheese — An Overlooked Star of Dairy?
Let’s take a look at one of the top protein performers in the dairy section.