Franklin budget proposal focuses on infrastructure needs

franklinFranklin’s proposed budget prioritizes a number of long-range infrastructure projects without increasing the tax rate.

EMS costs throw a wrench in Jackson budget talks

jacksonAmbulance service in Jackson County could more than double in cost to taxpayers if commissioners decide to fund the full $1.4 million budget requested by Harris Regional Hospital.

Animal shelter estimate tops $5 million

fr shelterWhen a report estimating cost and space needs for a new animal shelter came back with a staggering price tag — the report estimated a cost of $5.4 to $6.6 million — Jackson County commissioners had to catch a breath and start rethinking their planned timeline of capital construction. 

Jackson schools map out millions in capital needs

jacksonJackson County Public Schools wants more than $12 million for improvements to its facilities through 2020, but despite the big number, the requests are pretty basic, Superintendent Mike Murray told commissioners last week.

Bill introduced for Swain to receive school funding

swainSince 1940, the Federal Government has provided Impact Aid Funding to assist school districts that have lost a portion of their local tax base because of Federal ownership of property. 

Macon educators rally for more state funding

fr maconeducatorsThe state budget was 78 days overdue last Tuesday night when a group of more than 20 public education supporters packed the Macon County commissioners meeting in support of more state funding.

Cherokee budget proposes another pay raise for council

cherokeeWith elections a week away and threat of a lawsuit still hanging, the Cherokee Tribal Council is considering a proposed budget that includes a pay raise of nearly 5 percent for its members.

Drilling down: construction cost balloons for HCC’s fire and rescue training center

fr hcctrainingThe construction cost for a new fire and rescue training center at Haywood Community College has clocked in more than $1 million higher than expected, prompting soul searching among college leaders and county commissioners over whether to go ahead with the project as planned.

Swain increases budget, maintains same tax rate

brysoncitySwain County Board of Commissioners approved a $14 million budget last week with little discussion or debate. 

Macon library supporters rally for more funding

fr maconlibraryMacon County commissioners weren’t exactly sure what to expect when they saw Thing 1 and Thing 2 sitting in the front row at the proposed budget public hearing.

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