Waynesville walks the line at budget time

moneyThe town of Waynesville has rolled out a budget plan for the coming fiscal year that’s nearly identical to the year before.

Jackson budget focuses on school spending, savings and personnel

jacksonJackson County residents will avoid a tax hike for one more year, if commissioners choose to adopt the proposed budget for 2015-16.

Swain schools asks county to cover capital needs

fr schoolSwain County schools are requesting an additional $250,000 from the county commissioners to cover some much-needed building maintenance projects at all four schools.

Sylva budget haggling concludes

sylvaA stalemate over whether to raise property taxes in Sylva ended last week with the majority of town board members opting to take money out of the town’s reserve fund to cover a $140,000 projected shortfall in next year’s budget.

Haywood Schools performance climbs high in tandem with county funding support

fr haywoodschoolsHaywood County Schools will get a modest 2 percent increase each year for the next three years in its student per capita funding from the county.

County leaders debate community college funding

fr sccA budget-trimming effort in Macon County has leaders in multiple counties talking about what’s fair when it comes to community college funding. Charged with proposing an as-small-as-possible budget in advance of expected hard times ahead, Macon County Manager Derek Roland eyed a $200,000 line item for Southwestern Community College.

Recession be damned: Waynesville stands behind nonprofit contributions

fr nonprofit fundingTo some, they might seem like pet projects, budgetary fat in tough times, or frivolous earmarks.

But Waynesville leaders are defending $100,000 in annual contributions to a slate of 30 nonprofit organizations as a form of economic development, community advancement and social uplift.

Canton budget passes, with hesitation

Though unanimously passed 4-0, Canton town board members approved the 2014-2015 budget with some hesitation. The budget came in at $7,718,836, which is up from $7,085,956 for 2013-2014.

Waynesville leaders choose property tax hike over budget cuts

Saddled by a higher cost of doing business and hits to its bottom line, Waynesville aldermen were poised to pass a three-cent property tax increase this week, the town’s first in over a decade.

Nonetheless, the town’s total budget for the coming year will still shrink slightly — dropping from $30 million to $29.7 million. 

Schoolhouse standoff: Macon County teachers sound off to Sen. Davis

fr teachersSen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, faced a group of 50 Macon County teachers and staff last Tuesday in the library of South Macon Elementary School, and it was not a happy crowd. 

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