Sponsored: The basics of beef — what do cows eat?
Based on a visit to Brasstown Beef (supplier for Ingles Markets) for entire post: http://inglesinfoaisle.com/dirty-boots-and-the-basics-of-beef
Sponsored: Taste of Local in Waynesville
Ingles Markets in Waynesville: Barber Blvd. Thursday, December 15, 3-6 p.m.
Sponsored: What is that on top of my yogurt?
I normally buy plain yogurt and sometimes there's a slightly yellow liquid floating on top. What is that and is it still safe to eat the yogurt?
Sponsored: Smiling Hara Tempeh
Ingles warmly welcomes one of our newest LOCAL vendors, Smiling Hara Tempeh.
Sponsored: Ingles warmly welcomes one of our newest LOCAL vendors...
Sunshine Sammies ice cream sandwiches are available in our FROZEN FOOD section.
Sponsored: What is Erythritol?
What is ERYTHRITOL? I noticed this ingredient on some stevia sweetener I bought at Ingles.
Sponsored: Taste of Local in Weaverville
Ingles Markets • Thursday, July 28th | 3-6pm
Ingles Markets in Weaverville, NC on Weaver Blvd.
Meet some of our local farmers & suppliers for Ingles Markets and sample!
Sponsored: Added sugar
The new Nutrition Facts panel will go into effect in a little over a year (July 2018).
For the first time the Nutrition Facts will feature a line for grams of added sugar. Foods like plain milk, whole fruits, and canned or dried beans have naturally occurring sugars, but added sugar is "...sugar or syrup that is added to foods when they are processed or prepared."
Sponsored: Caring for the Cows, Part 2
What would you say to people who think that dairy farmers give their cows antibiotics all the time or that antibiotics are in conventional milk?
Bart Ramsey: I'd say they don't understand dairy farming.
Sponsored: Caring for the Cows
What do dairy cows feed on?
Bart Ramsey: They graze on grasses that we grow like ryegrass, bluegrass and fescue. In dry weather and from October to April that's not enough to provide them with the nutrients they need - they'd starve and not produce any milk if all they did was graze. We also feed them corn silage.