Sponsored: Diet for celiac disease
Q: I’ve just found out that I’ve gotten celiac disease and am a bit overwhelmed. Where do I start as far as what to eat?
Sponsored: Heart-healthy meals
Q: My husband has recently had bypass surgery and I want to learn more about preparing heart healthy meals. Do you have some resources you’d recommend?
Sponsored: What To Do If You Can’t Find Infant Formula
Starting in 2020 we saw some shortages of infant formula. In late February of 2022, Abbott Nutrition products were part of a voluntary recall and then one of their manufacturing facilities was closed due to a suspected bacterial contamination – suddenly the situation escalated.
Sponsored: Why Weight Loss is more than a Quick Fix
This time of year we’re often bombarded with weight loss diets and supplements that promise that we can be “beach ready” in just a matter of a few weeks. Perhaps you just want to lose weight to feel better, reduce blood sugar or blood pressure or improve your mobilith – here are a few things to remember:
Sponsored: Healthy lunch ideas
Q: I need some ideas for easy and healthy lunches I can easily pack up for myself to make at work or take to work.
Sponsored: The Dirty Tricks of the “Dirty Dozen”
Just as those first flowers appear in the Spring, so does the annual “Dirty Dozen” list — and this year is no exception.
Sponsored: What does “Pasture-raised” mean?
Pasture-raised can mean a variety of different things depending on the animal or poultry and who is putting the label on the final product.
Sponsored: Why Food Borne Illness Can be Dangerous
How many times have you eaten a meal at home or out at a restaurant and had a bit of “tummy trouble” afterwards? Or perhaps you or a family member got quite sick after a meal and ended up in the doctor’s office or made a visit to urgent care or the emergency room because of more severe problems.
Sponsored: Ingles Information Aisle
Did you know that I host a weekly radio program called the “Ingles Information Aisle”? It airs on Saturday mornings on WWNC 570am, iHeart radio (News Radio 570am) at 8 a.m.
Sponsored: Responsible carb consumption
Q: I love my “carbs” but tend to overdo it, especially with pasta, and this affects my blood sugar since I have diabetes. Should I just cut out pasta completely?