Partner content: Avoiding ingredients
Question: If there is a long list of ingredients that sound like chemicals on a food package, should I avoid buying it?
Partner content: The "Dirty Dozen" list
Question: Should I buy my fruits and vegetables based on the “Dirty Dozen” list?
Partner content: 3 uses for Plain Greek Yogurt
One item I often have in my fridge is plain Greek yogurt. I like it because it has no added sugars, is high in protein, a source of calcium and contains probiotics that may help with gut health.
Partner content: Are white foods bad for you?
Question: “Are white foods bad for you?”
Sponsored: Brown eggs vs. white eggs, any difference?
Question: Are brown eggs better or healthier than white and do they taste different?
Sponsored: Dealing with GERD
Question: My doctor has told me I have reflux and need to follow a “reflux diet” but I don’t know what that means. Can you help?
Sponsored: How important is fruit?
Question: I’m trying to lose weight, should I cut out eating fruit?
Sponsored: Learn about jackfruit
Question: I’ve been reading about JACKFRUIT and notice that there are many products with jackfruit at Ingles that look like meat – is this a good alternative to eating meat?
Sponsored: “The Dose Makes the Poison”
Many people are fond of throwing around fearmongering words like: “poisonous”, “toxic”, and “dangerous” when it comes to certain foods, beverages, or ingredients – especially if it is something they don’t like or approve of.
Sponsored: Who is Laura Lynn?
Question: I’ve recently moved to NC and just started shopping at a nearby Ingles Markets. Who is “Laura Lynn” and who makes these products?