Sponsored: 6 Ways to Save in the Dairy department
1. Instead of buying flavored milks, buy plain cow’s milk or soy milk and add your own chocolate syrup or chocolate flavoring powder.
Sponsored: Recipes from Leah
Crunchy Roasted Broccoli & Peanut Salad Dressing
Sponsored: 5 Ways To Save In the Grocery Aisles
• Use boxed cookie, cake or brownie mixes or buy flour and baking ingredients to make desserts rather than buying pre-made desserts.
Sponsored: 7 Ways To Save at Ingles Markets
• The Ingles Advantage card will help save on every shopping trip. (See your local store for a card.) Look for your Advantage special pricing on shelf tags.
Sponsored: Celiac Awareness Month — Myths and Misinformation
Myth: Celiac disease means you have an allergy to gluten.
Sponsored: Making the Most of Meat
7 ways you can S T R E T C H (or SUBSTITUTE for) ground beef or pork:
Sponsored: Celiac Disease Awareness
Have you walked through an Ingles store and noticed the brown and white gluten-free tags on items?
Sponsored: What’s the difference between the HASS avocado and the green avocado?
Hass avocados (sometimes known as “SlimCados”) are typically grown in Florida and have a light green skin. They are larger in size and slightly lower in fat(per serving) than the smaller, dark green avocados with the pebbly skin that are usually from California or Mexico.
Sponsored: Don’t throw those Vegetables out!
Fresh vegetables won’t last forever in your refrigerator, and if the ones you’ve purchased are looking a little sad and soft or limp, it’s time to use them.
Sponsored: Relying on rice
Another great pantry staple is RICE. Do you know that there are different types of rice and some types work better in certain dishes?