Letters to the Editor

Biden is the real liar

To the Editor:

I have just finished wading through the tirade by Mr. Snell regarding President Trump. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I find it sad that he harbors so much rage and pure hatred. 

I am tired of anti-Trumpers saying he lies, when the worst liar is Joe Biden. Almost every time he opens his mouth out pops a lie. He makes up lies about things he has done, like drive a semi, be the first in his family to attend college, his son was killed in a war, even his uncle was eaten by cannibals.

More importantly, he has lied time and again about the border being closed. The first day in office he rescinded President Trump’s remain in Mexico policy and other things to curtail the flow and ever since there have been record number of illegal immigrants pouring across our border and everyone knows the border is wide open. He has repeatedly lied about never having spoken to son Hunter about his business dealings with foreign countries. Texts, emails, phone calls have showed that is a lie. He lied when he said he had inherited a 9% inflation rate from Trump. Inflation rate when he took office was 1.4%. The list goes on and on.

He lies when he says he follows the law. We have laws regarding illegal immigration but he has refused to follow those. The Supreme Court ruled he does not have the authority to cancel student loans as the power of the purse rests with Congress. Yet he ignores that and continues to try to buy votes with your tax dollars.

President Biden is destroying this country. You may not like Trump’s personality. I get that. However, this election should not be about personality, but who is going to lead and protect this country and better the lives of all Americans. I read an article written by a venture capitalist whose name and company I do not remember. I do remember his words, “I drank the Kool Aid of the media” and was terrified of Trump. He contributed to, supported and voted for Clinton. He said he has now seen what has happened to this country, how our justice system is going after political opponents and it has to stop. He is now supporting Trump, will vote for Trump, and just sent a $300,000 to his campaign fund. ‘Nuf said.

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