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To the Editor:

Alduous Huxley once said, “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

Recently, in a conversation with a friend, somehow the talk turned toward the subject of climate change. While he did not deny that climate change might be occurring, he was convinced that human activity was not the cause.

I should have asked him a few questions to see how he dealt with things once considered to be actual facts. Such as: does the sun revolve around the earth? Is the earth flat?  

I assume that he would have answered no to all of these questions. For centuries we believed that a yes was the answer to all of these questions, until science proved that these were not true.

This climate change discussion reminded me of another more recent fight over facts. For years, the gasoline additive tetra-ethyl lead was treated as a hazardous material that caused neurological problems for workers in the factories. However, it took decades after the problem of contamination from leaded gasoline was known that laws were passed to protect human health from this toxin.  

Why the delay? Intense lobbying and distortion of the facts by those who were making profits from production of tetra-ethyl lead — the kind that was put into gasoline.

That situation is similar to the current climate change debate. The largest economic interests are clearly aligned against efforts to address the causes of rapid climate change. On the other hand, the scientific community clearly understands that the high rate of carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere is steadily raising the air and ocean temperatures; thus changing the heat balance of the entire world. That, by definition, is climate change.

So, what will it take to begin reducing carbon emissions? Will it take the predictions of the scientists coming true before we will take this problem seriously? Will it take things like persistent drought in some parts of the country with excessive storms and flooding in others? Maybe heightened awareness will come when the insurance industry begins changing rates, or the intelligence and military communities begin planning for the consequences of predicted climate changes. Oh, excuse me, those things are already happening! 

Maybe it’s time for all of us to accept the facts and begin taking rapid climate change seriously.

John Gladden



To the Editor:

The cage is open and the monster is on the loose. Despite promises of comprehensive safeguards for the health and safety of affected North Carolinians, Sen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, and Rep. Roger West, R-Marble, knocked the door off of the cage, turning loose the oil and gas industry in our state without provision for proper waste disposal of hazardous chemicals used in fracking operations or adequate provisions for long-term drilling site restoration. 

Fracking — the process of injecting under pressure, large amounts of water containing toxic chemicals into horizontally drilled wells to release natural gas — comes to North Carolina with a poor track record for health and safety, despite what proponents will tell you. Fracking requires a heavy industrial buildup, complete with giant well pads containing multiple wells, miles of tanker and heavy equipment trucks rumbling down our country roads (an estimate of 4,000 trips per well on average over the lifespan of the well), and noisy equipment that runs all night.

The North Carolina Legislature has made it a crime to disclose the chemicals used in fracking. They will tell you it’s a trade secret, but is public outcry over carcinogens — which have been definitively linked to fracking operations in other states — the real reason? 

Then comes the most devious provision of SL-2014-4. Your legislature, through Section 14 of the new law, has silenced your voice by making it illegal for any county, town or other local entity to prohibit fracking. Does that sound like democracy in America? Hardly. What’s more, it is likely unconstitutional. Take a look at Section 2 of the North Carolina Constitution: “All political power is vested in and derived from the people; all government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole.” How then, can the local will of the people be subverted to the corporate interests of the oil and gas industry and the appointed (not elected) state board which oversees their operations?

Our legislators who so badly want fracking to begin, and those with a monetary interest in the industry will tout “energy independence,” when, in actuality, they want to build an export terminal on the North Carolina coast to sell the liquid natural gas abroad (Part VII, Sec 22). According to ABC News in Raleigh (WTVD), $20,000 of taxpayer money has been used by the Department of Natural Resources  (our regulatory agency) to market North Carolina’s LNG potential to buyers as far away as London, money that was supposed to address possible fracking problems.

Is there a way out of this deep dark fracking well? Yes there is. It is a tough, long struggle against powerful corporate interests, but New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Hampshire, Ohio, New Mexico and other states are meeting with significant success. Despite state legislatures which have behaved in a similar fashion to North Carolina’s lawmakers, towns, cities and counties in these states continue to pass local laws prohibiting fracking. In the town of Dryden, N.Y., the local prohibition of fracking has been upheld by the state Supreme Court and then the state Appellate Court in a unanimous decision. But once more, the oil and gas corporations (not the State) have taken them to court.

What does this mean to us in Western North Carolina? If we, as residents of these irreplaceable mountains, don’t want our countryside turned into an industrial zone, several actions need to happen. 

• Our will must be made known to our county commissioners and town boards most emphatically, through personal appearances, phone calls and petitions. 

• Our local officials must have the courage to act on the people’s will, writing and passing the necessary ordinances to prohibit fracking.

• There must be attorneys, preferably pro-bono, who believe strongly that this is an issue of upholding the rights of ordinary citizens under the North Carolina Constitution, and who will work to see the issue through to a successful conclusion, despite lawsuits from the oil and gas industry.

So, yes, may we all live to see another day of blue sky, blooming rhododendron and sparkling creeks. 

Doug Woodward



The 11th annual Folk Festival will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 19, in downtown Franklin.

The event includes over 100 heritage demonstrations, which include basket making, woodcarving, moonshining, weaving, spinning and more. There will also be exhibits, fireman competitions, Civil War reenactors, live bluegrass music and jam sessions, as well as children’s activities. 



The 17th annual Sweet Corn Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 12 at St. Cyprian’s Church in Franklin.

Food, with a focus on sweet corn, can be enjoyed at tables under the shade of large trees that grace the property. Bill Crawford tells about the long-standing celebration of corn that existed in Franklin with the Cherokees, and continues now with the Sweet Corn Festival. The ancient Nikwasi Cherokee Mound between Main and Palmer streets in Franklin had a constant burning fire that was only extinguished just before the Green-corn dance each year. In addition to a hot meal with corn, attendees may purchase watermelon slices and baked goods.

Alongside children’s activities and onsite vendors, live music will be provided by Erik Hendrix, Dave Stewart and Nikwasi Dulcimers. Two dance groups, the High Mountain Squares and Macon County Line Dancers, will take the stage midday.

Proceeds from the festival this year support the All Saints Community and CareNet. Other organizations have benefited from the event in years past, including Wesley’s Playground. 


art youthtalentThe Heritage Alive! Mountain Youth Talent Contest will be held at 3 p.m. July 19 during the Franklin Folk Festival.


art dollyThe 50th anniversary production of the Broadway blockbuster “Hello Dolly” will be held at 7:30 p.m. July 11-12, 17-19, 24-26, Aug. 1-2 and at 3 p.m. July 13, 20, 27 and Aug. 3 at the Haywood Arts Regional Theatre in Waynesville.


art festdayThe Haywood County Arts Council will once again host ArtFest (formerly called International Festival Day) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 19 in downtown Waynesville. 


art emporiumFunk/soul group Emporium will perform as part of Concerts on the Creek from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, July 11, at Bridge Park in Sylva.


Maggie Valley Sanitary District and the town of Waynesville got props from the N.C. Division of Water Resources for an outstanding drinking water supply earlier this summer. The water providers were two of 38 statewide to receive the N.C. Area Wide Optimization Award for surpassing federal and state drinking water standards with outstanding low turbidity levels. Turbidity is a measure of water’s cloudiness. 


A coalition of 17 organizations based in Western North Carolina is calling for a public hearing somewhere in the western part of the state on new oil and gas rules being developed the N.C. Mining and Energy Commission.

Three public hearings are scheduled for August in Raleigh, Sanford and Reidsville, but these locations are four or more hours away from WNC. However, the western region could see the impacts of fracking, pending the results of a study of the area’s natural gas potential, slated to begin this summer. 

“Now that seven counties in the west are being tested for potential shale gas, Western N. C. could be directly affected by these rules, and we demand a chance to participate in the public hearings,” said Garrett Lagan, of Swain County.

The letter points out that the Mining and Energy Commission was charged with developing regulations for hydraulic fracturing for the entire state, and WNC residents should not be left out of the opportunity for public input to protect their communities.  

Geologic testing in WNC is in its preliminary stages, and results will not be known before the end of 2015. The rules are set to go into effect before that time, and these hearings are the only public hearings the commission is planning. 

“Even if exploration in the western counties proves that there will not be hydraulic fracturing in the mountains, these rules still affect the state of the whole, and we still have right to have our voices heard,”  said Sally Morgan of Clean Water for North Carolina.

Groups that signed the letter include Appalachian Voices, The Canary Coalition, Clean Water for N.C., Coalition Against Fracking in WNC, Coalition Against Fracking (Swain County), Environmental and Conservation Organization, Frack Free Madison, Greenpeace N.C., League of Women Voters of Macon County, Mountain People’s Assembly, Mountain Voices Alliance, People Advocating Real Conservancy, People For Clean Mountains, Positive Changes Youth Ministries, Western N.C. Sierra Club, Pisgah Group of the Sierra Club, and the Western North Carolina Alliance. 


The next public meeting in the forest plan revision process for Pisgah and Nantahala national forests is planned for 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 10 in Asheville. Wildlife habitat and managing for ecosystem integrity and diversity will be the main topics of discussion, and a comment station for Wild and Scenic Rivers will also be available. 

The meeting is just the next installment in a series of public forums leading up to development of a final management plan in August 2016. The new management plan will guide the ecological, recreational and economic management of the forest for the next two decades. 

The meeting will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Resort Drive in Asheville. Complete information on the planning process is available at


out hikingappA new app for iPhone and Android will give hikers a guide to more than 300 hikes in the mountains of Western North Carolina, Georgia and upstate South Carolina.


out adelgidThe Hemlock Restoration Initiative is seeking proposals to turn $50,000 worth of grant funding into a win in the battle to save hemlocks from the wooly adelgid.


out fungiPart contest, part festival, part education and part science, the 2014 Discover Life in America BioBlitz will bring citizens and scientists from across the country together in a race against time to see how many fungal species they can count in 24 hours in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.


To the Editor:

I am writing today with a heavy heart. I am saddened, frustrated and embarrassed. We live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, and the fact that I have to pick up garbage everywhere I go has become nauseating.

I am a firm believer in the motto “bring back more that you take” when going into our forests — or anywhere for that matter. However, it has gotten to the point that I have to bring gloves and take hefty bags with me every time I visit the Sunburst area.

I am from the mountains and Sunburst has always been one of my favorite places to visit. This past weekend, my fiancée and I decided to take some out-of-town guests for an adventure. Our adventure quickly turned into a litter-collecting extravaganza. Dirty diapers, broken glass, plastic, bottles full of tobacco spit, old clothes, cigarette butts and fastfood bags were all over. We were humiliated to tell our friends not to let their children go barefoot for fear of getting cut. 

I won’t be going back to Sunburst for a while. And, if I go back again and see that much trash, I’ll break down in tears.

We need to respect Mother Nature. Let’s try and keep North Carolina beautiful.

Michelle and Robby Railey

Haywood County


To the Editor:

I am a politician — a local one — and while I make jokes about politics, I take the work seriously because it’s an opportunity to make changes that benefit people. To get elected, I talked about ideas and walked all over my community, knocking on doors and dodging the occasional dog that figured I was invading its territory. Four other people were in the race with me. Not once did I say anything negative about them. They were all good people and had their own ideas. What we had was a contest of ideas.

That’s what politics should be. But the political landscape in Western North Carolina has turned nasty. To get elected, a few candidates are willing to say almost anything about their opponent. Truth has become a victim, and in that way so are voters who are often forced to hold their nose and choose between candidates who would prefer to slam each other with personal attacks rather than be responsible for their own ideas.

Those of us who live in the N.C. 50th Senatorial District, however, have a much clearer choice this year. Sen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, the incumbent, got elected with outsider’s money paying for literature that said that his last opponent, John Snow, favored abortion. John Snow did not favor abortion, but the truth got smothered with last-minute mailings and we got Jim Davis in Raleigh.

This year, Davis is at it again. This time he’s even sneakier. His outside money is paying for a telephone “political survey” that is designed to paint a negative picture about his opponent, Jane Hipps. If you get a call from these people, they will ask you if you would vote for someone who is quoted as saying that she will raise taxes and cut funding to schools.

Saying that Jane Hipps will raise taxes and cut funding to schools is about like saying Thomas Wolfe couldn’t write. This absurdity is mind numbing. Jane has spent almost 40 years as an educator in North Carolina. The absurdity becomes ridiculous when we know that it was Jim Davis who raised taxes (on 137 items and services that we use) and cut the school budget to where it is one of the lowest in the nation.                 

Should you get a call from Jim Davis’ bogus pollsters, be prepared to tell them that you won’t be led by lies and half-truths. Tell them that when Jim Davis learns to tell the truth and talk about ideas, then you will listen … but by then the election will be over.

Rick Bryson

Bryson City


To the Editor:

Actions speak louder than words. North Carolina residents need to pay attention. The loud, false, words of the Republican legislators in Raleigh attempt to drown out the truth. Republicans claim to be the party of less big government and more local control. Their actions tell a different story. The Republican dominated legislative seized power from local governments to regulate environmental issues. Now, local municipalities’ environmental ordinances are void. State law dominates.

Big government in Raleigh attempted to take over both the Asheville water system and the Charlotte airport. Who benefits if the state takes over locally controlled facilities? Republicans would turn these facilities over to private corporate ownership to be run for a profit. In truth, residents would pay more for these services. The Republican led legislature has repealed the franchise tax. This profits corporations and big businesses that support legislators’ election campaigns. The loss of this revenue, and other state tax dollars, is forcing local municipalities to increase local taxes, cut local services and funding for public schools.

Who benefits from big government’s power grab? Not local municipalities and North Carolina citizens. Our Republican-dominated state government serves for the benefit of private corporations and big businesses. Gas companies will make millions from fracking North Carolina as a result of a new state law. State Sen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, supports fracking, claiming it will create jobs, benefitting the economy without harming the environment. In truth few local jobs would be created. Gas companies employ their own trained people and move them from job to job. Gas removed from North Carolina will not benefit our state. 

Have you noticed prices for movies, live performances, shows, guided tours, etc., have increased? Beginning Jan. 1, the state imposed a 4.75 percent “privilege” tax on most entertainment activities. Are you pleased to know Raleigh has reduced taxes on the purchase of corporate yachts and private jets?

State government is shifting the tax burden to North Carolina’s citizens while creating greater profits for corporations and big businesses. Republicans claim that providing added profit incentives will lure business to North Carolina and create jobs. What corporations would be attracted to our state where public education ranks near the bottom and North Carolina’s beautiful treasured environment is endangered?

Margery Abel



op frBy Martin A. Dyckman • Guest Columnist

Although Kansas is among the reddest of red states, its Republican governor, Sam Brownback, is in big trouble. Current polls show his Democratic challenger ahead, 47 to 41. Are pigs flying?

The reasons should strike fear into the Tillis-Berger-McCrory axis in Raleigh and encourage citizens who yearn to be rid of their reign of error.

Above all, they should inspire North Carolina’s voters.


Haywood Community College Professional Crafts Fiber students and recent graduates recently won awards in the national juried student fiber exhibition Spotlight on Student Fiber Trends 2014 at the Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries at the University of Georgia in Athens.

Student Clara Schulte and 2014 graduates Dana Claire and Deanna Lynch were each recipients of awards. Entrants included students in leading four-year universities and private art schools. 

Schulte was the recipient of the Edwina Bringle Award for her work titled “Wrapped in Smiles.” Schulte was also awarded Merit Prize for her piece called “Winter Trail.” “Spring Kimono” by Lynch was also awarded Merit Prize. The prize sponsor for both Merit Prizes was Georgia Yarn Company. 


art stainedglassAppalachian Art Glass will teach the Tiffany method of making stained glass through August at the Jackson County Green Energy Park in Dillsboro.


art boosingerAcclaimed musicians Laura Boosinger and Josh Goforth will open the Songcatchers Music Series at 4 p.m. Sunday, July 6, at the Cradle of Forestry in America.


art winesellerThe Summer Jazz Series returns for the month of July at The Classic Wineseller in Waynesville. The series takes place at 7 p.m. July 5, 12, 19 and 26. 


out elkBiologists will get a boost in monitoring Smokies elk populations, thanks to a $13,720 grant Friends of the Smokies received from Charter Communications, Inc. The grant money purchased 15 radio collars and two receivers to track and monitor the large mammals. 


A horse exhibition hosted by Friends of Panthertown from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 28, will raise money for conservation and trail maintenance in Panthertown Valley, a national forest recreation area near Cashiers.


out chestnutVisitors are invited to check on the progress of the American chestnut restoration effort at Cataloochee Ranch in Haywood County with self-guided and guided tours this summer.


out rufusmorganFranklin has a hall-of-famer following the induction of Rev. Rufus Morgan into the Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame earlier this month. 


To the Editor:

We continually hear the myth about how the rich are greedy, but what we don’t hear is how greedy a high school dropout can be or the union workers who want more money or even those on welfare who want more benefits. In reality, they are all driven by greed.

Our rich buy and build all those things that provide jobs. The rich invest their money, which allows industry and manufacturing to grow. Confiscate more money from the rich and it goes into a government hopper where it inevitably disappears in wasteful and massive government bureaucracies. Government does not create jobs, only a free market does.

And the rich don’t keep their money under a mattress; they invest it to help our country grow.

Borrowing from an article by Michael Shermer in Scientific American who makes the point, confirmed by the federal government and economists, that the pie we all take a portion from is actually a much larger pie, so the relative size of our portion has actually grown.

For example, a report by the Federal Reserve showed that during 2013 the net worth of American households actually grew 14 percent with an increase of $10 trillion to an astounding $80.7 trillion; one huge pie indeed.

President Obama’s comments about lack of economic mobility were incorrect because in fact during the period between 1987 and 2005 almost half of the public moved into a higher income tax bracket.  However, of those in the top income tax brackets, almost 60 percent moved into a lower tax bracket.

We are faced with a number of other myths and one is that the rich are extremely rich, but when this myth was examined it was found that while most believed the rich had annual incomes of $2 million, it was found that the rich have incomes of only $169,000.

All in all, the American dream is still alive and we are doing quite well thank you, regardless of the envy we hear from people who quit high school and blame the rich. While we do have our share of poverty and we certainly need to help those who cannot help themselves, the vast majority of those so-called poverty-stricken people still manage to own a huge flat screen television and expensive cell phones.

In final analysis, the liberal view of taking from the rich to give to the poor only results in destroying the work ethic of many who then become dependent, while those with political connections just get fatter off the backs of the workers. Remember when Hillary Clinton complained that they were flat broke when Bill left office, having only $12 million income?

The people who we really need to be worrying about now are the retired folks who built this country and worked hard to put money away for their retirement but now see their savings wiped out by inflation. With every minimum wage increase, we have another round of inflation.

Bob Wilson



To the Editor:

Thank you for Holly Kays’ excellent article covering the recent shooting of a bear in Maggie Valley, leaving behind three orphaned cubs.

This was a needless tragedy, and I fear that others may feel emboldened to take things into their own hands and kill bears that they consider to be problematic instead of taking the proper steps to prevent such problems.

Bears are intelligent wild animals. They live to eat, and they won’t pass up a free meal if people provide one. Such meals come in the form of garbage, birdfeeders (including suet and hummingbird feeders), grills, pet food, etc.

The man in this story had a birdfeeder that had brought the bear onto his porch twice during the night before he killed her. If he had only removed the feeder, it may have ended right there, but he didn’t. That is beyond irresponsible. It is reckless and selfish.

He is not the only one — I’ve heard plenty of other people say something to the effect that “I love my birds, so don’t tell me to put away my birdfeeder.” One couple that disregarded such advice ended up with the bear invading their house on two separate occasions, doing considerable damage to the kitchen. Had they been home, they might have shot the bear like the man in this story did. So whose fault is it?

I’m sorry that this man won’t be prosecuted, as he deliberately left a bear attractant out in a potentially dangerous situation. 

A bear is just going to be a bear. As our members tell many people, it is up to us humans to change our behavior in order to peacefully coexist with the bears and other wild animals with whom we share our mountains. I hope people will follow the advice included in Holly’s article in order to prevent similar problems and tragedies in the future.

Cynthia Strain


Chairwoman of the B.E.A.R. (Bear Education and Resources) Task Force


To the Editor:

Having lived in North Carolina for a year, I’ve noticed that low teacher salaries are a hot topic. (For the record, I teach in a private school where we earn even less than the public sector). But I follow the debate with interest because the rhetoric is flung around thickly.

Here’s a quote that was highlighted in an article in the June 18 issue of The Smoky Mountain News: 

“If given the choice, would you enroll your child in a state that is 48th in per pupil spending?”

What is implied by that question (Which is actually NOT a question but an assertion masquerading as a question)?

You have to spend a lot of money to educate a child well? Money is the number one predictor of good education? 

What don’t we know?

• Whether all 50 states actually spend close to the same. What if N.C. truly is 48th in spending but the variance among state budgets is pretty narrow?

• Whether the quality of students graduating from secondary schools and universities is a problem.

• What the end product (i.e., students) is like in states that spend the most.

• What the difference in dollars goes to in states that spend more.

• What ‘per pupil spending’ actually includes. What goes into that figure? Does more money go directly to teacher salaries? And if so, is there a correlation between better-paid teachers and quality education as measured again by the end product?

Here are some facts to consider:

• The city of Washington, D.C., spent an average of $29,349 per student in 2010-11, and 81 percent were not proficient in either reading nor math.

• North Carolina spent $8,433 per pupil during the 2012-2013 school year.

• The average among all 50 states was $11,068 for the same 2012-2013 window.

Here’s what I would ask those making the case that we are in trouble in N.C.:

• What does the average home-schooling family spend per pupil?

• How much is the average private school tuition?

• What about online schools that are growing in both accessibility and quality?

Here’s the bottom line for any issue: You can’t have a useful discussion without taking time to flesh out hidden assumptions and facts!

Thanks for your paper. We read it each week and enjoy keeping up with local issues.

Maria Cochrane



The nonprofit community group known as the Cullowhee Revitalization Endeavor (CuRvE) has been awarded an Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) grant from the Southwest Commission to fund ongoing efforts for improved recreational amenities along the Tuckaseegee River where it passes through the Cullowhee community.  

CuRvE’s projects focus on a 3.5-mile portion of the river from the Lena Davis Landing upstream to the newly constructed Locust Creek River Access Area close to N.C. 107.

The grant will provide funds for CuRvE to hire a river consultant to create a plan for in-stream water activities and a landscape architect to create a series of drawings to help visualize the possibilities for a riverpark and completed greenway. The organization has also been working closely with N.C. DOT on an improved design for the new bridge that will constructed over the Tuckaseegee River this fall.

CuRvE is currently finishing up work on a previous grant from the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area.


A tribal elder of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians delivered the opening prayer in the Cherokee language at the N.C. Senate session June 19. Jerry Wolfe, was a natural choice to deliver the prayer.

Widely recognized for his service to the Eastern Band, Wolfe is a Navy veteran who was aboard a ship both during the D-Day invasion at Normandy and the Japanese surrender that ended World War II. The 89-year-old is also a fluent speaker of the Cherokee language and a tribal traditionalist steeped in the knowledge of tribal history and culture.

Wolfe was named a Beloved Man by the tribal council in April 2013, an honor which has not been bestowed by the Eastern Band in more than 200 years. He has received numerous honors over the years for his cultural knowledge including the North Carolina Folk Heritage Award in 2003 and the Brown-Hudson Folklore Award from the North Carolina Folklore Society in 2010.

“Jerry Wolfe is a well-respected and tremendous leader for our people, which he has demonstrated through his life’s work,” commented Michell Hicks, principal chief of the Eastern Band. “It is a great honor for him, and for our tribe, to open a session of the North Carolina Senate in the Cherokee language.”


Swain County Hospital offers Senior Life Solutions, a program that facilitates intensive outpatient psychiatric care for adults and seniors with Medicare. The program, which is located inside Swain County Hospital, is available to individuals through physician or self referral. 

Patients experiencing symptoms such as depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, suicidal thoughts, social withdrawal, disorientation, hallucinations, feelings of worthlessness, interpersonal conflicts, deterioration of daily living skills, and other psychiatric symptoms that disrupt daily life could benefit from participating in the program. 

Individuals in the program have access to psychiatric appointments with licensed clinical social workers as well as monthly appointments with psychiatrist Dr. James Greene, who also serves as medical director of the program. 

“This program is truly a resource for the community that cannot be found elsewhere,” said Lacy Webster, RN, program director. 

The program begins with three-hour treatment sessions up to three days per week, with treatment time lessening as symptoms improve. Follow-up care is provided. Free transportation is also available to program participants dependent upon location and appointment times. 



Kelly Donaldson, 42, of Cullowhee, began work June 9 as the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Center new assistant director.

Donaldson’s addition is a part of a restructuring plan by the Jackson chamber ‘s board of directors to plot a fresh new path for future growth in the area.

“Kelly will bring a new skill set and level of professionalism that our merchants, citizens and visitors will adore,” said Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Julie Spiro. “We’re excited about the potential for growth within our chamber and community. Kelly will provide an invigorating level of staff support, event planning, growth of commerce, and visitor and community service to the chamber.”

Donaldson comes from serving seven years as editor at the Crossroads Chronicle in Cashiers. Previously, he worked seven years as a sports editor in Gainesville, Ga., Morganton, and Brevard. He also has experience in marketing, public relations, photography, fundraising and graphic design. 

Donaldson has been a member of the board of directors for the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce, (2010-12); the Greater Cashiers Area Merchants Association (2012-present); the Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry (2012-present); the Cashiers Preservation Foundation (2011-12); and several others, including Relay for Life and Make-A-Wish. 

“We as a board decided to make an aggressive and proactive move to increase our value and presence in the community,” said Jackson Chamber Board President Thom Brooks, of Southwestern Community College. “We are proud to have one of the best Chamber Executive Directors in the state in Julie Spiro. Kelly will give her the assistance and support she needs to fully execute the goals of the chamber, our citizens and our visitors. This is a move to propel ourselves into the future with a level of stability and vision unlike anything we’ve planned before.”


An initiative to educate first-time, low-income mothers in Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Swain counties on how to raise healthy, school-ready children with a focus on the critical first two years of the child’s life is being launched by the Southwestern Child Development Commission.

The Nurse Family Partnership will employ four nurses with B.S. degrees, one Masters level nursing supervisor and administrative support staff.  Each nurse will provide home visits to approximately 25 mothers throughout pregnancy and through their child’s second birthday.  

The new initiative is being funded by a $150,000 grant from the Community Foundation from WNC. The Brown Family Fund, the Wasson-Stowe Charitable Fund and the MAC Mountain Fund partnered with CFWNC to fund this grant.  Significant funding is also being provided by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, The Evergreen Foundation and the NC Department of Health and Human Services.


Jeanette White, coordinator of Southwestern Community College’s Civil Engineering Technology program, keeps getting calls from employers looking for graduates who are ready to work. There’s just one issue: all of White’s graduates already have jobs or are continuing their education at a four-year school.

“Our program still has a 100-percent employment rate,” White said. “We are very fortunate that a lot of employers are looking for us to produce more graduates. It’s a wonderful field with a wide range of employment possibilities. We just need more students.”

White’s graduates are currently employed with the North Carolina Department of Transportation as well as private civil engineering, surveying and construction firms throughout the area. According to U.S. Labor Department figures, Civil engineering technicians’ median annual wage was $47,560 in May 2012.

In SCC’s program, students become proficient in surveying technology using the latest surveying instrumentations, including the use of a robotic total station. 



art powwowThe Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians’ Pow Wow will be held July 4-6 at the Acquoni Expo Center.


art cullowheeThere will be a handful of youth arts programs held throughout July as part of the Cullowhee Mountain ARTS summer series. Held in the School of Art and Design on the Western Carolina University Campus, these camps allow young artists to explore a multitude of media and techniques while working toward an overall goal.


art pippinThe Haywood County Arts Council recently hired Jodi John Pippin as their new part-time executive director as of June 2014. 


art inspirationsThe Singing In The Smokies Independence Weekend Festival will run from July 3-5 at Inspiration Park in Bryson City. 


By Chris Cooper

Silly, psychedelic and monstrously musical, the teaming of Keller Williams with Larry and Jenny Keel on Grass is sure to produce something that’s out there, to say the least. As well, it’s an opportunity to hear Williams in a much simpler format without the loops and percussion and one-man-band shtick.


The Age of Anxiety: McCarthyism to Terrorism

Haynes Johnson’s 2005 book isn’t frightening, but it should at least make thinking people think about some fundamental issues facing Americans. How, he asks, can we “safeguard the nation’s security without jeopardizing its liberties.” The parallels between the Red scare of the 1950s and now are a “... terrible, and terribly familiar, story: how fear can produce abuses that damage individuals and dishonor America in the name of making both safer.” The majority of the book — more than 400 of its 600 pages — are dedicated to a re-telling of McCarthy’s quick rise and fall and how he mastered the politics of scare tactics, secrecy and outright deception to get what he wanted.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

History books and literature long have recounted and regaled the Civil War, examined its long-lasting effects in determining who “we” are as a great and unified South, and how “we” are not yet ready to lay down arms between victor and vanquished.


Author, storyteller and playwright Gary Carden of Sylva has been awarded the Brown-Hudson Folklore Award presented by the North Carolina Folklore Society.


By Michael Beadle

The North Carolina Education Lottery might be seen by state officials as a boon for public education, but it’s already becoming a frustration for some school officials in Western North Carolina.


According to provisions in the state’s lottery law, about a third of the money raised in the lottery (35 percent) would go toward education programs — an estimated $425 million, according to state figures. Half of this money will go to pay for more classroom teachers in early elementary grades and pre-kindergarten programs. Of the remaining portion, 40 percent would go toward school construction projects and 10 percent would go to college scholarships based on a student’s financial need.


By Michael Beadle

As the opening date approaches for the North Carolina Education Lottery, local retailers in Western North Carolina are gearing up to sell the first batch of tickets.

At the Cullasaja Exxon outside of Franklin, owner Ronnie Setzer is ready.


By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer

Macon County Planning Board members will continue their first discussion of a draft subdivision ordinance set to potentially include steep slope development regulations at a meeting held at 5 p.m. today (Wednesday, March 29) at the Environmental Resource Center.


By Sarah Kucharski * Staff Writer

Is there enough affordable housing in Sylva? Do you feel safe in your neighborhood? Are you satisfied with street repair? How often do you go to Poteet Park?

Town leaders are looking for answers to these questions and others in a new citizen satisfaction survey designed to solicit public opinion from homeowners about the town’s current services and future improvements.


There’s no more pressing issue in this region than enacting ordinances to control steep slope development. If we snooze on this one, then everyone from town dwellers to those living in the rural countryside will suffer the consequences for years to come.


By Stephanie Wampler

I didn’t know her. I never met her. I haven’t even read that much about her. I saw lots of pictures of her husband, but not so many of her. The pictures of her were always with her husband. She apparently had a career of her own and was both a singer and an actress.

But that’s not why I know about her.


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