Elect Tom Hill to replace Rep. Meadows
To the Editor:
I generally find that when I cast a ballot for anyone in a national election, I’ve voting for the lesser evil. It’s sad, but I’m voting against someone as there’s always much that is still wrong about every candidate running for office at that level.
That is not true this election. I am voting for Tom Hill for Congress, not just to get rid of U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows, R-Cashiers, but because I actually like everything about Tom Hill. I like where Tom Hill stands on the issues.
And even more, I believe he will stand up for what he believes when faced with the powers that be in Washington. Tom Hill is honest and direct. And I don’t think Tom Hill will cave under the pressure to compromise unreasonably. I added the word unreasonably, as I know nothing but stalemate results from the inability to work with others.
Many people think their vote doesn’t count, and I do believe things are skewed with the electoral process. But we have the numbers to change things in Washington. If the common citizen could get over their apathy and get to the polls, we could get our country back by voting for Tom Hill to be our congressman.
Connie J. Conklin