Canton board faced with growing needs, shrinking budget

Canton officials and town staff met for four hours Feb. 16 to discuss achievements and goals, but will have to spend even more time discussing revenues and expenditures.

To tax or not to tax? Waynesville considers adding another tax-exempt parcel

It isn’t often that citizens avail themselves of the public comment session offered by local governments.

Sales tax increase fails in Swain County

About 58 percent of voters in Swain County voted against increasing the sales tax from 6.75 percent to 7 percent.

Jackson County goes down on hospital value

Harris Regional Hospital saw its tax value slashed by 36 percent in the minutes before Jackson County’s Board of Equalization Review adjourned for the year, and while its new $27.2 million value is still more than twice the $13 million the hospital had argued it was worth, it’s quite a drop from the original $42.3 million appraisal.  

Business owner wants out of downtown tax district

haywoodAt least one local property owner plans to take advantage of a new law allowing for withdrawal from Waynesville’s Municipal Service District.

Swain County to vote on quarter-cent sales tax

swainSwain County residents will get to decide whether the county can levy an additional quarter-cent sales tax when they vote during the Nov. 8 general election.

Haywood County taxes steady, but fees rise

haywoodAlthough the Haywood County Board of Commissioners passed a 2016-17 budget June 20 that was 3.1 percent higher than 2015-16, the board was able to do so without budging from its previous 56.61 cents per $100 assessed value property tax levy.

Taxes remain steady, highest in county, in proposed Canton budget

haywoodThe Canton Board of Aldermen took another three hours June 9 to conduct a required public hearing on the 2016-17 budget. That’s in addition to the three hours that were spent discussing it May 26. And there’s still one more session to go June 23.

Sales tax to increase in Jackson

jacksonNearly two-thirds of Jackson County voters who visited the polls last week said yes to a referendum question asking to raise the county’s sales tax by one-fourth of a cent. Education leaders are rejoicing at the outcome. 

Swain aims to avoid tax hike

swainAs Swain County continues to struggle with a decrease in funding from several revenue sources, commissioners hope to pass a $17.3 million budget for 2016-17 without increasing the tax rate.

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