No tax increase likely for Jackson

‘Lowest tax rate in North Carolina’: Macon County budgets for revenue neutral tax rate

Haywood’s capital projects prompt report from financial advisor

With long-term debt rolling off the books and a number of high-dollar, high-profile projects on the horizon, Haywood County commissioners will have some tough decisions to make following a presentation by the county’s financial advisor.

Macon County votes ‘no’ on quarter-cent sales tax

Decisions about following through with the new Franklin High School project were always going to fall to a new board of commissioners made up of different members than those who occupied the seats when plans were first initiated.

Tribe explores pathway to tax-free casino distributions

Starting in March, members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians may have the chance to sign up for a program that will let them receive casino distributions without reporting them as income on federal taxes.

Pisgah Legal opens Waynesville office, offers program to help working families

As Pisgah Legal Services continues to grow and better serve its clientele, a key challenge has simply been getting word of its ability to help low-income households out to the public.

Tax increase likely for Jackson residents

Jackson County residents can expect to see a two-cent tax increase in the coming fiscal year, rising from $0.36 to $0.38, if commissioners accept the proposed FY 2022-23 budget. Much of the revenue from that tax increase will go toward the construction of a new swimming pool .  

Taxes, fees may 
go up in new Waynesville budget

Declining revenues and a growing list of capital improvements are both putting the squeeze on Waynesville’s finances, but a proposed 2-cent increase in property taxes might not be enough to address them all. 

Jackson faces safety funding requests

The Jackson County Commission is faced with several requests to fund safety operations throughout the county, totaling over $1.5 million. For taxpayers, this could mean over a penny on the tax rate.

Up in the air: Challenges await Canton in the coming year

By the summer of 2021 things seemed to be on the up-and-up in North Carolina, and in Haywood County’s microcosm of it, Canton. 

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