Pints in Papertown: BearWaters Brewing reopens in Canton
It was weird.
Driving around downtown Canton this past weekend, it was weird to have a hard time finding a parking space. In most Western North Carolina communities during the busy summer tourist season, this is the norm. But, for the blue-collar paper mill town of Canton, finding a parking spot has never been an issue.
Jackson’s comprehensive plan nears approval
After two years of meetings, research and public input, the Jackson County Comprehensive Land Use Plan must go through one more round of public comment before commissioners can give it final approval. A public hearing is scheduled for 5:50 p.m. Monday, June 19, at the Jackson County Justice Center.
What’s in the cards? Retail travails, prevails
On a rainy June Monday in Maggie Valley, wispy mists lick lush mountaintops that tower behind nearly every business in town, including the Cabbage Rose gift shop on Soco Road.
Haywood tourism authority reports robust growth
A lagging recovery from the Great Recession and the continuing loss of a major tourist attraction in Maggie Valley haven’t slowed growth of the tourism industry in Haywood County.
Management by measurement
There’s an old adage in business that says, simply, “If it isn’t measured, it isn’t managed.”
What’s in the cards? It all starts with a visit
Since before the Great Smoky Mountains National Park was chartered in 1934, Western North Carolina has been a sought-after destination for tourists from across the country and across the world.
What’s in the cards? Chamber, EDC try to stack the deck in Haywood’s favor
Among the various organizations involved in economic development, one often finds a Chamber of Commerce and some development organization.
Distillery hopes to pack economic punch
If all goes well, Maggie Valley will soon be known as a place where some of the finest spirits in the world are crafted.
Down in the flood
CeCe Hipps is one of the very few people in North Carolina who can say that she was at the epicenter of the two most significant postwar economic expansions in the state.
The past, present, and future of Haywood County’s economic development
A new business or a new family moving to town isn’t solely due to the luck of the draw.
Likewise, a shuttered mill or dilapidated neighborhood isn’t solely due to being dealt a bad hand.