MDMA will, eventually, help many with PTSD
As the executive director of the nonprofit Pearl Institute here in Waynesville, I wanted to express my gratitude to The Smoky Mountain News for the feature story written by Cory Vaillancourt about the recent decision by the FDA to request more research into using the drug MDMA in combination with therapy to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Public radio called, and I tuned in
During a recent morning drive to Asheville, I felt a yearning to listen to National Public Radio (NPR). Typically my phone automatically connects to Bluetooth and a random song from Spotify plays from the speakers.
Biden and Trump have major flaws
To the Editor:
Glenn Duerr certainly painted an ugly picture of Donald Trump while making Joe Biden look like an angel with wings. People tend to do that when they hate someone. They also ignore the faults of those they love and who agree with them. Let's be honest — Biden has major flaws.
Don’t be a puppet to another’s will
To the Editor:
In a recent editorial a Western North Carolina minister says he doesn’t understand why some North Carolinians, who profess to be Christians, vote for a man who demonstrates again and again, that he respects no Christian principles.
A thank you to Joe Biden
To the Editor:
You have done something rare in American politics putting the needs of the country above your own by ending your run for a second term.
Leave nature to tend to itself
To the Editor:
Thank you Gwen Landt and the Edith Allen Wildlife Sanctuary for caring for animals in need. We leave our field/meadow alone so deer can bed down and does can safely raise their fawns. As conveyed in the article, understanding the relationship between a doe and her fawn is important.
Response to 'The wisdom of the First Amendment'
To the Editor:
I am still trying to figure out Dave Webster’s motive for telling your readers about his personal journey and I would like to know what his comments have to do with the First Amendment.
The Olympics: a beacon of hope in challenging times
Just when global news hit a fever pitch and there was little to hang onto in the way of goodness and humanity, the 2024 Paris Olympics began, which has offered many of us a much-needed reprieve and countless reminders of hope and triumph.
Standing for democracy, fairness and better government
Democracy means that we voters get to decide with elections which candidates are empowered to serve in our local, state and federal governments. Those elected officials are supposed to serve us, not their own personal selfish quests for wealth and power. We want our political leaders to listen to our wishes and provide us with essential government services.