

School choice isn’t a conspiracy

North Carolina is becoming a national leader in expanding choice and competition in education. For some North Carolinians, this is a source of pride. For others, it’s shameful. 

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Some legislation really helps

Some legislation really helps

To the Editor:

Everyone deserves to live a healthy life with financial security. We want to pay less for prescription drugs and live in a world that we can pass on to our grandchildren where carbon pollution is dramatically reduced.

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Border situation is a disaster

Border situation is a disaster

To the Editor:

It is amazing how people focus on the abortion issue yet ignore important issues that affect far more people. I guess focusing on abortion keeps liberals from focusing on the failures of the Biden administration and the awful state of our nation.  

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Billionaires, public education and vouchers

Despite stiff opposition, the N.C. Senate voted this month to double the funding for Opportunity Scholarships to boost enrollment in privately run K-12 schools; more than $200,000,000 is earmarked for kids in high-income families. 

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Robinson’s comment taken out of context

Robinson’s comment taken out of context

To the Editor:

I wish to respond to the recent letter from Margaret Pickett of Highlands which she opened with the following statement:

“In North Carolina we have a candidate for governor who is alleged/reputed to have said, ‘I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote … We want to bring back the America where Republicans and principles and true ideas of freedom rule.’ 

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Remember never to forget

Remember never to forget

To the Editor:

I wish to say something about Memorial Day, which is coming up this Monday.

I know most Americans have big plans for Memorial Day weekend. After all it’s the beginning of the summer season with all the wonderful outdoor activities it brings. 

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When history really does repeat itself

Recently someone described me as a “longtime columnist for the Smoky Mountain News,” which made me realize I’ve been sharing personal stories, revelations and anecdotes with this audience for quite a while.

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To be a moderate takes real courage

One good thing about being skeptical of your own opinions is that if the wrong candidate wins you can reassure yourself by thinking that perhaps you were wrong all along and the people who voted the wrong way were right. 

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We should support individual freedom

We should support individual freedom

To the Editor:

This writing is not the product of extensive research. It is an opinion. The opinion of an octogenarian American male. Much like millions of Americans express. An opinion regarding our government “of the people, for the people and by the people.” 

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