Editors help us with perspective
To the Editor:
Newspaper editors and owners have an important role in our local communities and for us readers.
Rule of law proven a farce amid corruption
To the editor:
Remember the saying from Vietnam days that we had to destroy the village in order to save it?
Trans people just don’t exist
To the Editor:
Your entire article regarding the trans person at the Waynesville Recreation Center starts with a lie.
What would a library be without ‘outside influences’?
At the June 27 meeting of the Macon County Board of Commissioners, Chairman Bill Dyar was asked by Leah Gaston and the other two new board members for the opportunity to fully introduce themselves. Chairman Dyar agreed.
Community makes things less scary
To the Editor:
After attending the meeting on Tuesday evening at the Waynesville Town Hall, one of the speeches that stuck with me the most wasn’t one I would have expected — it was the dad who said he was afraid for his daughters, and that while he felt for people who believed they were stuck in the wrong bodies, he shouldn’t have to worry every time they went into a bathroom.
Thanks for showing Pless’ spiteful actions
To the Editor:
Thanks to Scott McLeod for pointing out the inappropriate control Mark Pless wants to have in local affairs.
GOP should not politicize debt ceiling
To the Editor:
During the Trump administration, bipartisan votes increased the debt ceiling three times, without conditions. Now that a Democrat is president, the Republicans do not want to do what is necessary for our country. After the debt ceiling is passed, both parties can then negotiate to pass the next budget. The tax cut passed during that administration caused a significant increase to our national debt, but it did benefit corporations as well as millionaires.
Thanks for the gift of music
The nicest thing my mother ever did for me was buy me a stereo I didn’t deserve. I was a sort-of-sophomore at N.C. State living in an apartment off campus, and man, I was in the weeds.
What this old house remembers
I live in an old farmhouse that is literally falling apart. Each spring, clouds of termites rise in the bathroom and the bedroom, coating the windows and covering the kitchen stove and the mirrors in the bathroom with tiny wings — wings that clog my vacuum cleaner for weeks.
Serendipity during the Lenten season
This year for Lent I took on a challenge instead of giving up something. I challenged myself to communicate more with friends and family who are not in my daily realm.