‘And So I Run’ reading at City Lights
Local author Anne Jobe and editor Christine Reed will host a special reading at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 22, at City Lights Bookstore in Sylva.
‘A two-generation workforce issue’: Child care availability impeding economic development
Stakeholders around Western North Carolina recognize the end of COVID-era child care stabilization funding and the broader lack of available child care resources as a multilayered impediment to economic development.
WCU Board of Trustees approves new CIO
On Friday, June 14, Western Carolina University’s Board of Trustees approved Chris Williams’ selection as its chief information officer. Williams, who comes to WCU after spending the last nine years as the IT director for Student Affairs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will begin his new position Monday, June 24.
Jackson offers rec volleyball league
Jackson County Parks and Recreation is hosting a pair of volleyball leagues open to anyone over the age of 16, one a competitive co-rec league and the other an open volleyball league.
Jackson explores solutions to housing crisis
The Development Finance Initiative has continued to work on feasibility analyses for affordable housing in Jackson County since its housing needs assessment presented in February showed a dire need for affordable housing.
No tax increase for Jackson
Jackson County is set to approve its budget next week, funding county operations for the coming fiscal year without a tax increase for residents.
Sylva declares June Pride Month
The Town of Sylva Board of Commissioners signed a proclamation last week declaring June to be LGBTQ Pride Month, just weeks after the board denied Sylva Pride’s application for its annual march.
Jackson TDA’s Addy celebrates new certification
The Jackson County Tourism Development Authority (JCTDA) announced that Kara Addy, APR, its Social Media Manager, has completed the Professional in Destination Management (PDM) certificate program from Destinations International.
Jackson hosts youth soccer camp
The Future Mustang Soccer Camp, sponsored by Jackson County Parks and Recreation, will welcome local kids to build their skills on the pitch.
Jackson County hosts rabies vaccination clinics
Come out Cartoogechaye School in Macon County for a rabies vaccination clinic.