Cashiers to host JarrettFest
A nationally recognized touring and recording artist of children’s music, Timmy Abell will perform at 4 p.m. Saturday, July 27, at the Boys & Girls Club of the Plateau, located 558 Frank Allen Rd. in Cashiers.
Macon, Jackson to receive more opioid settlement funds
Macon and Jackson County commissions signed resolutions this month enabling the governments to receive funding from the Kroger opioid settlement, the third settlement of its kind for both counties.
Jackson to fund Fairview School construction
The Jackson County Board of Commissioners voted this month to commit to funding construction and renovation of Fairview School, which was recently identified as the system’s top capital needs priority due to overcrowding and outdated design.
Fireside chat and workday
One of Friends of Panthertown’s upcoming programs includes a “Fireside Chat” in which it will share information about the organization and current projects with partner WATR (Watershed Association of the Tuckaseegee River), as well as educational information about stream health and monitoring in the Tuckasegee Watershed. There will be a fire and s’mores.
‘What our kids need’: no cost meals in WNC schools
Every student in Haywood and Jackson County Schools can expect no cost breakfast and lunch in the coming school year, and Macon County is not far behind in meeting that mark as well.
Jackson school board signs resolution against private school vouchers
The Jackson County Board of Education has signed a resolution urging the North Carolina General Assembly to prioritize public education over funding an expansion to the private school voucher system.
Sylva to create economic development board
The Town of Sylva is looking to create an economic development board made up of business owners outside the downtown area after Mayor Johnny Phillips presented the idea to Sylva commissioners earlier this month.
Vecinos receives SECU Foundation grant
SECU Foundation recently awarded a $1.6 million grant to Vecinos for a new medical center and human services hub in Macon County.
SCC recognizes OTA graduates
The newest members of the Occupational Therapy Assistant program recently celebrated their completion of Southwestern Community College’s program with family and friends at SCC’s Jackson Campus.
Mountain Artisans showcase
The annual Mountain Artisans “Summertime” Arts & Crafts Show will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 28-29 in the Ramsey Center at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee.