Letters to the Editor

GOP bows to Trump’s immigration edict

To the Editor:

Politics Trumps responsibility.

I apologize to readers for the terrible pun, but I could not help myself. In recent days, we have heard much criticism from all over the political spectrum of President Biden’s recent executive order concerning capping the number of daily asylum seekers accepted at our border.  

For years, there has been outcry from the American electorate, also from all over the political spectrum, that representatives and senators were abdicating responsibility and not doing their job because they refused to seriously consider, formulate or vote for comprehensive immigration reform. Those of us who take the issue seriously were dismayed with both Democrats and Republicans for being unable to work together to find compromise towards policies that would, if not solve, at least notably improve the unworkable situation at our borders.

What occurred in May 2024 transformed dysfunction into a clear abdication of duty. Republicans and Democrats worked together on a compromise that neither side loved, but could live with. They outlined the policies and were ready to vote. For the briefest of moments it looked like an immigration bill that took a few initial steps towards reform would be passed.  

And then Mr. Trump spoke. He let Republicans know that he did not want them to vote for the bill, even though, and maybe especially because, it actually represented a bit of progress towards immigration reform.

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Instead of voting for a bill their fellow Republicans had worked hard to cobble together, Republican congresspersons turned their backs firmly on their Democratic colleagues and tanked the bill. They chose politics over the responsibility of working together to solve national problems, which happens to be their job.  

Instead of doing what was in the best interest of U.S. citizens and our country, they followed their leader like lemmings into the sea. (Some might say as a result that Mr. Trump is a real leader … they did what he asked. But his leadership always seems to take us towards lack of accomplishment and chaos).

In my view, the actions of Republicans in Congress were akin to a “Heil Trump” response. Or maybe a low bow to their “Fearless Leader.” They are not doing the work they were sent to Washington to accomplish and their behavior takes us just a bit closer to tyranny.

Judy LeRoy Robinson


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