VA secretary greeted by demonstrators during visit to Asheville
Less than a week after a raucous congressional town hall where Republican Rep. Chuck Edwards faced intense criticism over cuts to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs — a disabled retired Army veteran was kicked out of the event after causing a disturbance — VA Secretary Doug Collins visited the Charles George Medical Center in Asheville to try to ameliorate some of those concerns. Demonstrators outside weren’t buying it.
Now is the time to get involved
To the Editor:
As a woman who is active in Indivisible and has protested the decisions of our government since the inauguration, I find myself waking each day thinking “What can I do? What should I do?”
Paul Revere rides again
To the Editor:
The other night I dreamed I heard hoofbeats on Main Street in Sylva. At first, I paid them no mind. Maybe a member of the wagon train that lumbers through Western North Carolina each summer. Yet, the hoofbeats got louder and louder as the rider approached the red light in the middle of town. He was bellowing out, “The billionaires are here.”
Trump and Musk are a joke
To the Editor:
Despite what MAGA Republicans say, our esteemed president inherited a robust economy from President Biden (except for egg prices, apparently). The stock market was booming, unemployment was low and inflation was going down.
Are they malicious or incompetent?
To the Editor:
Are Donald Trump and Elon Musk incompetent or malevolent in their actions toward America and the American people? You decide.
Trump complained about the lack of water to fight the fires in Los Angeles. He said he ordered two reservoirs north of the fires to release water.
President, secretaries control agencies
To the Editor:
It seems many have talked about the three branches of government and their separation and nonelected personnel. I don’t know why people don’t realize that the President is the head of the Executive Branch and can control hiring and firing in his 15 departments.
Chuck Edwards' longest day: Asheville congressman faces fierce opposition at town hall
It had been a warm spring day that finally gave way to twilight of cobalt-grey, sharpening the flashing red and blue police lights slashing through dusk restless and unyielding. Demonstrators waving signs and banging rhythmically on locked glass doors, their chants pulsed through the cool evening air.
“Save our democracy.”
All Americans must protect Constitution
To the Editor:
A significant event in history is being replayed in our time. The Magna Carta was a landmark English document establishing that the power of the English monarchy was not absolute.
Apple bucks trend, affirms DEI support
To the Editor:
In this day when actual facts can be hard to assess/confirm, here is an interesting one that is public record and confirmable. It is also of note that DEI has been politically misused and not well understood.
Musk-DOGE will lead to more fraud
To the Editor:
Many of the letter writers the week of February 28 have a grasp of what is happening in the U.S. However, a couple do not seem to understand the reality behind the MAGA claims.