Letters reflect engaged community

In the 26 years we’ve been publishing this newspaper, I don’t think we’ve ever had the onslaught of letters to the editor as has been happening since November.

Big Pharma ads are lies

To the Editor:

Lately there have been video ads on YouTube and TV that say “Biden Raided and Broke Medicare,” that Biden raised the price of pills for seniors. This is beyond the scope of “misinformation,” it is a barefaced lie of the absolute worst kind.

Shame on U.S. corporations

To the Editor:

What hypocrites we are!  As we honor President Jimmy Carter for his worldwide humanitarian efforts, American corporations are busily rolling back Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts. 

Community support helps feed the hungry

To the Editor:

The Maggie Valley United Methodist Church wishes to thank the community for their overwhelming support of our Holiday Boutique and Bake Sale that was held on December 7. This fun annual event raised over $10,000. All proceeds will help sustain our two long-standing food ministries: Shepherd’s Table and the Food Pantry. 

Choose wisely with your vote

To the Editor:

 This upcoming election is going to be a close call. According to many of the polls being taken, the number one issue for many voters is the economy. A Gallup poll on late 2023 showed 53% of Americans thought the Republicans are better at running the economy compared to 39% for Democrats.

It’s about living our faith

To the Editor:

I still remember September 27, 1953. That was the Sunday my brother, Greg, and I were baptized and committed our lives into following the way of Jesus Christ. From that day at Second Avenue Methodist Church in Rome, Georgia, I have attempted to live as a person of faith. 

Don’t feed us lies during this tragedy

To the Editor:

Donald Trump has been guilty of spewing so many fact-free statements over the years that ‘fact checking’ has become a ritual after every Trump pronouncement. No one, including the people that support him, denies this fact.

By all means, do the research

To the Editor:

One of the few good things to come from the pandemic is you hear more and more people say, “I’ve done my own research.” As we face this election season, that has never been more important.

Stunningly false mailers are absurd

To the Editor:

Medicare and Social Security are programs that have always been priorities of the Democratic Party. Democrats started these programs and supported them ever since, and pretty much constantly over the constant objection of Republicans. 

Elected leaders who will address climate

To the Editor:

Our EMS and fire departments, law-enforcement and many in serving military units have come to our region’s rescue. They  and caring ordinary neighbors who have put on their boots and gloves and helped so many people in desperate need are our heroes.

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