Sponsored: What About Magnesium for Insomnia?

Question: One of my friends recommended taking magnesium supplements for insomnia. What do you think?
Answer: While a magnesium supplement may be harmless in most situtations; it’s important to figure out why you’re having insomnia and try and address this by taking a look at your habits and making changes if necessary.
• Are you drinking coffee/tea or caffeinated beverages late in the day? Make sure you stop all caffeinated beverages earlier in the day to give them time to clear your system.
• Are you eating before trying to go to sleep? Rich or heavy foods may make it difficult to sleep and may contribute to reflux. Try not eating at least 2 hours before bedtime.
• Are you spending time on computers/phones or other devices before bedtime? Some people are sensitive to the light of computer screens, and this may make it difficult to fall asleep.
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• Do you have concerns or stress about some issue in your life? Emotional and mental stress may disrupt your sleep.
• Is there something going on physically which is making it hard to sleep? If you are experiencing pain or discomfort this may cause restlessness and insomnia. Be sure and speak to your medical provider!
• How is your sleep environment? What’s waking you up? Noise? Light? Pets? Your significant other? How can you create a more restful sleep situation?
Bottom Line: Before you pop that supplement pill, assess your lifestyle and sleep habits and see what you may need to adjust or have checked out by your medical provider. You can also try adding food into your diet that is rich in magnesium like pumpkin seeds, almonds, spinach and potatoes.
Source: McGill Office of Science and Society – Magnesium Supplements for Sleep May Not Work Like a Dream
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian