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jacksonThe 41st annual Mountain Heritage Day will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee. The event will be preceded by a 5K foot race at 8 a.m.


art grouchoAward-winning actor and director Frank Ferrante will perform his acclaimed portrayal of legendary comedian Groucho Marx at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 27, in the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center at Western Carolina University.


art tenorsdivaThe Three Tenors and a Diva Gala will be held at 5 p.m. Sept. 26 at the Highlands Performing Arts Center.


art bathtubThe inaugural Mountain Disco Music Festival will be held from 1 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, at Soul Infusion in Sylva.


To the Editor:

This past weekend I had the privilege of working beside my fellow students and colleagues in an effort to clean Richland Creek in Waynesville. I came into this project with expectations of environmental stewardship towards my local community but quickly realized that I would learn much more about the place I call home.  

My “crew” was given the direction to clean up the Frog Level portion of Richland Creek. I knew this would be a monumental task considering Frog Level is a very busy part of town. I, however, could have never anticipated the objects that we would find in this section of the creek. We found your average trash that you would expect: tires, old wood, plastic candy wrappers, etc. We also found many, many liquor bottles, beer cans, and hypodermic needles. One of the members in our crew actually found an entire orange juice container filled with syringes. This was found in the river adjacent to a little league baseball field were youngsters were playing ball as we cleaned. 

We encountered people living beside the river in makeshift camps, who when approached were quite cordial. 

I write these things not to start a witch hunt but to give my perspective of a town where people are hurting every day yet others are oblivious. Over the past few years, Waynesville has become a vacation destination for the privileged. How many of these people who visit, live here year-round or part of the year, know the things that go on literally a quarter mile from art galleries and salons in this tourist district? 

There are many doing work to help these people in need. Local churches, Haywood Pathways, the Open Door, Haywood Gleaners, etc., are doing their part to give needy people in Haywood County medical attention, shelter, and proper nutrition. However, there is still work to be done as was very evident from what my eyes saw this past weekend.

I encourage all who live in this community to do whatever they are able to help those in need in this county. Whether you are a full-time resident, part-time resident, local or non-local, our community needs your help. Please, be an active member of the community in the place you so dearly adore. A very wise man once said “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.”

Tyler Beamer

Maggie Valley


To the Editor:

In Rowan County, Kentucky, Kim Davis has been ordered to jail for contempt of court.  Her confinement is based on the fact that on more than one occasion she refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

“What tangled webs we weave…” is part of a famous line written by Walter Scott in his poem “Marmion.” Kim Davis may actually feel like she is caught in a tight web comprised from alternating strands of faith and the need to earn income by carrying out the legal duties she took a solemn oath to perform. The popular singer/songwriter Jackson Browne expressed a similar view in his song “The Pretender.” He sang, “Caught between the longing for love and the struggle for the legal tender…. ” I suppose most poor and middle-income people know what Browne means by those lines.

As we look at the Kim Davis situation it is necessary to remember one historical fact. Most oaths of office in America are administered with one hand on a Bible. What religious denomination is espoused in these Bibles? Are they Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Seventh Day Adventist or Catholic? Are they a “conservative” or “liberal version” of the text? 

I suppose the person taking an oath of office merely imagines the words are those by which he/she chooses to live. Could we, then, just as well use the Torah or the Koran if we simply swear the oath with one hand held on the book? After all, we have never, to my knowledge, asked an elected official to uphold the teachings within the Bible. What the ceremony asks is something like, “Do you swear to uphold the laws of the United States?”

If we are a “Christian nation,” as some contend we are, wouldn’t the oath require that the person vow to uphold the teachings of a Christian Bible? That has never happened. Let’s hope it never does. There has been way, way too much bloodshed over religion in human history. Too many times an individual or group has tried to force someone else to adhere to a particular set of beliefs against their own wishes and will. The evening news is full of stories of people being killed or exiled because of a religious belief. Our United States government has been set up to prevent that kind of maltreatment based on religion.

With that said, I don’t know how the Davis/Rowan County situation will be resolved. She is in the spotlight with her situation and may have to decide which way she wants to go — with her strong religious conviction or with her need to earn an income by fulfilling her duties. It may not be possible for her to have both in the capacity she is sworn to at the present time. 

If it turns out that she is allowed to hold her religious principle above legal principles, we may be headed toward “Burger King” government. Government employees would be told happily, “Have it your way.” Under that system each employee would get to choose the parts that he/she will be willing to abide by while ignoring those undesirable to him/her. It seems like things could get somewhat confusing under this setup. 

I personally hope and pray (to the God of my choice) that America remains a nation of laws rather than one ruled by religious dogma that results in continual fighting and killing of people with differing views. Our legal foundation, which inarguably contains ideas from various religions and philosophies, has served this country fairly well since 1776. Our challenge is to make it work for another 239 years.

Dave Waldrop



Christopher Harold McMahan was recently convicted of felony death by vehicle and felony serious injury by vehicle in Macon County Superior Court.

McMahan will spend more than two years in prison. The crimes were committed on July 31, 2012, as he was driving impaired on U.S. 441 near Franklin. McMahan’s vehicle went left of center into oncoming traffic, violently colliding with a Dodge pick-up occupied by Sylvia and Ellard Bolick.  

Sylvia Bolick was killed from the collision and Ellard Bolick sustained serious injuries. A blood sample was taken from McMahan shortly after the crash.  A state expert found McMahan’s blood to contain high levels of alprazolam (generic Xanax), an impairing prescription medication, as well as a metabolite of THC, the impairing substance in marijuana.


Michael Lee White, 38, of the Stecoah community, was recently found guilty by a jury in Robbinsville of sexual offense on a child.  

He was sentenced by Superior Court Judge J. Thomas Davis to no less than 300 months nor more than 369 months in the custody of the North Carolina Division of Adult Correction. When White is released from prison, he will be required to register as a sex offender and to wear a satellite-based monitor for the rest of his life.

“Today’s conviction and minimum 25 year sentence sends a strong message that taking those who prey on our children off the streets is a top priority for my office and demonstrates the results that can be achieved when the District Attorney’s Office, law enforcement and child advocates work together effectively as a team,” said District Attorney Ashley Welch.


fr maconeducatorsThe state budget was 78 days overdue last Tuesday night when a group of more than 20 public education supporters packed the Macon County commissioners meeting in support of more state funding.


haywoodInstability in the rocky roadside caused by blasting along Interstate 40 in Haywood County has caused the second road closure in three days between mile markers 6 and 8. 

On Saturday (Sept. 12), following blasting contractors noted an “unstable rock mass,” said N.C. Department of Transportation spokesperson Ken Ulmer, so they opted to close the road in order to remove any unstable rock.


ingles dietitianQuestion: When is the new Enka/Candler store opening?

Answer: Our newest Ingles Markets is slated to open on Thursday, September 17th. Our Grand Opening Day will be a fun-filled day with loads of samples and special deals to introduce customers to this new Ingles store. Many of our local farmers and vendors will be there throughout the day.

art fallfestThe annual Mountain Life Festival in Great Smoky Mountains National Park will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, at the Mountain Farm Museum near Cherokee.


art cherokeeartThe Cherokee Heritage Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19, at the Cherokee Homestead Exhibit in downtown Hayesville.


art youthdayThe Youth Arts Festival will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, at the Jackson County Green Energy Park in Dillsboro.


art mtnfaithThere will be a “Welcome Home Parade” for acclaimed bluegrass act Mountain Faith at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10, in downtown Sylva.


art frJohn Duncan won’t forget Aug. 19 anytime soon.

“It was damn scary,” he chuckled.

That day not only marked the opening of the Duncan’s Sneak E Squirrel Brewery in Sylva, it also marked the culmination of a dream of his that’s been almost 20 years in the making.


op beckmanBy John Beckman • Guest Columnist

Forty-two years ago a very interesting man moved into the broken, haunted brick mansion two doors up from my parents’ house. 

Dave had just retired from 33 years in the U.S. Army as a machinist, welder, mechanic, builder, inventor and general problem-solver in charge of keeping America’s troops and machinery moving. He had set his new sights on restoring the old place singlehandedly as a retirement project. His personal passions and areas of expertise included photography, systems design, the arts, public service, governance and sharing his skills and knowledge with many.


To the Editor:

Such a nice man, this Bernie Sanders, we just love him, he just wants to help everyone! There he is on TV with all these hollering young people cheering him after he told them that everyone in America should go to college for free. He would establish free tuition in all private and public colleges. The inexperienced young people failed to ask the question: “How much will this cost, who will pay for it, and how?” Bernie will also give everyone free health insurance. How wonderful! 

The ignorance of American voters is already on display every day at the White House. With just these two actions Bernie will bankrupt the United States.  

Bernie has a long history of being a socialist. In college, he was a 1960s peacenik who applied for conscientious objector status. How can he be made “Commander in Chief “ of the military? He will eliminate all ammunition from the military so nobody will get hurt. In the Senate, he voted against all the military actions. He even voted against going into Kuwait after Saddam Hussein invaded it. He thought we could “talk” them out of Kuiwait.  

Bernie just loves the socialist Scandinavian countries like Finland who gives free day care to all children, and Norway which gives 42 weeks of maternity leave at full pay. He voted against going into Iraq, voted against the use of force on terrorists and against the Patriot Act legislation. 

And, of course, he wants to tax the rich!  That’s always popular today, even though the highest quintile of income earners pay almost 70 percent of federal taxes. Lately, I am convinced that the only people in the United States who really need a union are the rich.  

Now, Social Security is broke. All those many years we had Social Security taken out of our paychecks, and social security had billions in reserve. Our elected politicians stole all the money out of the social security funds and spent it on other projects. If they left that money alone, Social Security would be solvent today.  

When our founding fathers created a federal government they were really worried that they were creating a monster which would go beyond their intentions. If they could now see our tax statements, and the amount of federal taxes we pay versus state taxes, they would turn over in their graves and scream 

After years of borrowing 50 percent of what they spend, the national debt is outrageous. Americans seem oblivious to it all. As long as they can buy gas, get their groceries and cash their checks, everything is good. Prominent economists are telling us that our system can collapse!   Bernie Sanders will be part of the problem, not at all a solution. Read the articles on the Internet about his false notions, why Bernie Sanders is wrong about everything, and the five dumbest quotes from Bernie Sanders.  Nothing is free! Wake up folks!

Jim Sottile



People on food assistance can make their money go further when buying produce at the Historic Haywood Farmers Market in Waynesville. 

This year, the market launched the WiseBucks program, which gives people enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program  vouchers that double the value of their food stamps on fruits and veggies, up to $10 extra per visit. 

The program is funded through $14,000 in grants from the Haywood Healthcare Foundation and Appalachian Foodshed Project. There’s still funding left for the year. 

“Although we are pretty satisfied with the turnout to date, we still have grant funding available,” said Carol James, chair of the market’s management team. 

As the growing season winds down, offerings at the market will become more limited, so James is encouraging people enrolled in SNAP to visit soon to get the benefit.


Fears of introducing the bird flu to North Carolina farms prompted the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project to cancel its annual Farm Tour this year, an event that was to feature more than 30 Western North Carolina farms Sept. 19-20. 

“It is with great regret that that we must cancel the Farm Tour, as it offers life-changing farm experiences for locals and visitors alike and brings much-needed revenue and support to area farmers,” said ASAP’s executive director Charlie Jackson. “But the risk of inviting thousands of visitors to multiple farms during this time is too much of a threat to ignore. The potential spread of this disease could be devastating for commercial and backyard poultry flocks throughout the region.”

The bird flu is not yet present in North Carolina but has been confirmed in nearly half of the 50 states, causing about 50 million birds to die this year — the mortality rate is almost 100 percent. State officials say there’s a high likelihood the virus will reach the state this fall, as it is spread by migrating waterfowl. Once here, it’s easily spread by humans, carried on shoes, clothing and even car tires. 

ASAP is offering a full refund for any passes already purchased, or the money can be converted into a donation to support local farms. Scott Bunn, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 828.236.1282. 


out itsacamperA showcase of restored vintage camping trailers will raise money for Haywood Waterways Association’s youth education programs, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, at Stonebridge Campground in Maggie Valley.


out monarchThroughout the United States, monarch butterflies are an iconic sight. Their striking orange-and-black pattern, their annual 3,000-mile flight south to Mexican wintering grounds and their absolute dependence on the unassuming milkweed plant all make this butterfly a beloved ambassador for insect-kind.


out archeryA pair of young archers recently earned bragging rights at the 4-H West District Shooting Sports Tournament.


out inspirationInspiration Point — a garden on the grounds of Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center tucked away near the Lambuth Inn — will be the subject of the upcoming meeting of the Tuscola Garden Club, 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 15 at the Bethea Welcome Center at Lake Junaluska.


out landpreservedMore than 200 acres in the Sandy Mush area — located at the convergence of Haywood, Buncombe and Madison counties — have been protected through two separate conservation projects by the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy.


ingles dietitianQuestion:  What is this “Milk Drive” that I’ve heard Ingles is doing?

Answer:  Ingles, in cooperation with Feeding America, is selling Captain Protein Power icons to raise money to supply families with milk through Feeding America.

schoolsEditor’s note: The following letter was recently sent to all members of the North Carolina General Assembly

As students and teachers start the new school year, instead of an exciting time for many, it’s a period of confusion, tension, fear and, in some cases, tears. We have traveled around the state talking with teachers, teacher assistants, and parents as they prepare for a new school year, and there is tremendous unrest about the future of public education and the impact recent public school setbacks are having on students, their families, and our communities.


To the Editor:

With the new school year just starting, parents’ attention is on school clothes, supplies and lunches. Yes, school lunches.

In past years, the USDA had used our nation’s schools as a dumping ground for surplus meat and dairy commodities. Not surprisingly, one-third of children have become overweight or obese. Their early dietary flaws become lifelong addictions, raising their risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Gradually, the tide is turning. New guidelines mandated by President Obama’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act require doubling the servings of fruits and vegetables, more whole grains, less sodium and fat and no meat for breakfast. A recently released survey released shows the guidelines are supported by 86 percent of Americans.

Sixty-four percent of U.S. school districts now offer vegetarian options. More than 120 schools, including the entire school districts of Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Oakland, Philadelphia and San Diego have implemented Meatless Monday. Some schools have dropped meat from their menu altogether.

As parents, we need to work with school cafeteria managers and our own children to encourage the availability and consumption of healthy, plant-based school foods. 

Weston Madrigal



To the Editor:

Like many across America, I’ve become very tired of politicians of both parties talking out of both sides of their mouth. On the one hand, they promise voters that they will create jobs, bring about a better health care system, put laws in place to curb pollution and so on. Next thing you know, they‘ve become cozy with their corporate donors and the rich get richer and pay fewer taxes. Our country gets mired down in useless wars and the health care and criminal justice systems remain broken.

 But there is an alternative candidate for President who has a different view of things — U. S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent who is running as a Democrat. Unlike other candidates, Bernie refuses to align himself with any Political Action Committee and instead relies on small individual donations. A self-described Democratic Socialist, Bernie wants to introduce America to a new way of looking at capitalism.

While there are those who fear the term “socialist” and think it’s the next thing to a communist, Bernie isn’t interested in starting a red, Marxist-style revolution. He simply wants to bring about a more humane way of looking at capitalism. Bernie’s plan calls for a more equitable tax structure in which the rich are taxed more and corporations will pay significantly more for initiatives that will benefit the poor and middle class. This is only fair and equitable.

Additionally, Bernie wants universal health care for all, a living wage, large investments in infrastructure that will create jobs and promotion of initiatives to promote sustainable energy programs to rid our nation of dependence on fossil fuels.

Bernie recently appeared in Greenville, S.C., and a group of Jackson County supporters attended the rally. There is a movement to get him to Asheville. To learn more about the local campaign to elect Bernie and to find out how you can get involved, join the Facebook page “Jackson County & Westward for Bernie 2016.”

Betty Dishman



A movie chronicling the adventure of a pair of middle-aged men attempting to hike the Appalachian Trail hits the theaters this week (Sept. 2), and Western North Carolina’s tourism and environmental groups are preparing for the impact.


out fallcolorDrier-than-normal conditions during 2015 will translate into one of the best shows of fall color in years, according to Western Carolina University’s prediction expert Kathy Mathews.


jacksonThe death of a prominent Sylva hiker whose body was found in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in June was likely a suicide, according to an autopsy just returned from the Sevier County Medical Examiner’s Office.


out cullowheeparkA fundraiser to support the effort to create a river park along the Tuckasegee River in Cullowhee will be held 4-8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, at Tuck’s Tap and Grille, following the Old Cullowhee Canoe Slalom.


out cullowheewatersportA family-friendly paddling competition featuring a variety of categories will be held on a flatwater portion of the Tuckasegee River near Western Carolina University at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 12. 


coverIt is the heartbeat of a town and its people.

While some communities pride themselves on their Christmas, 4th of July or Memorial Day festivities, the town of Canton showcases Labor Day — a time every year when any and all cheer the workingman, the blue-collar nature of a place as special and unique as its inhabitants.

Music lineup
Memories for a lifetime
In her own words
So, why Canton?


The Francis Mill Preservation Society will celebrate the preservation of the 128-year-old mill during the 10th annual Music at the Mill from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, in Waynesville.

The 1887 timber frame mill operated until 1976. More than just a place of business, the mill served as the mountain community’s social hub for many of its early years. The FMPS first pioneered Music at the Mill at the mill site in 2006. The bluegrass and barbecue celebration will include performance by Whitewater Bluegrass Co., Hill Country Band and The Frog Level Philharmonic 

Advance tickets are $7 per person and are available at Elements Salon in Waynesville or Mountain Dreams Realty in Maggie Valley. All proceeds from this event go to the continuing preservation of the Francis Mill and educational/heritage programs.



The Seven Clans Rodeo will be held Sept. 4-5 at the intersection of U.S. 19/441 in Cherokee. Gates open at 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 12:30 p.m. Sunday. Rodeos begin at 8 p.m. 

Between the broncos that will be busted, the bulls that will be bucking, and the rodeo clowns looking to avoid getting stomped in the head, there will be all sorts of skills competitions and top-name riders in this SRA-sanctioned event. All performances are included in the price of the ticket

Single day tickets are $12 for adults ($15 at gate), $6 for children ($8 at gate). 

For more information, tickets and a full schedule, click on or 800.438.1601.


art dahliaThe fourth annual Dazzling Dahlia Festival will be Saturday, Sept. 12, at the Highlands Rec Park and Civic Center.


art acrobatsThe Golden Dragon Acrobats will bring the 2,000-year tradition of Chinese acrobatics to the stage at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9, in the John W. Bardo Fine & Performing Arts Center at Western Carolina University.


art wildlifephotoThere will be a wildlife photography exhibit showcasing the works of Ed & Cindy Boos through the month of September at the Macon County Public Library.


art folkfestMountain music, dancing and tradition will be on display once again as the 45th annual Smoky Mountain Folk Festival celebrates the culture and heritage of Western North Carolina Sept. 4-5 on the shores of Lake Junaluska.


ingles dietitianQuestion: Is canola oil safe and healthy for me to use?

Answer: Yes! I use it myself for cooking and baking. Here are some facts about canola oil:

Fact: “canola” comes from “Canada low oil acid”.

To the Editor:

Thank you Macon County. It was truly humbling to see the community turnout for the Homeless Symposium. The interest, support and concern was evident in the questions, comments, and suggestions.  

We discussed the need to rebuild a homeless person’s support network by addressing the themes of prevention, crisis sheltering and transitioning to a home. The threads that bind all of our efforts in these areas are prayer, volunteers and funding. Our vision is to see the homeless become fruit bearing members of our community.

In order to rise to the homeless challenge, as a community, the next steps will be to encourage and equip prayer warriors to seek out and edify volunteers, and develop funding sources. Our foundation is on THE ROCK, we should now begin “raising the building”.

Please join us in our community’s efforts to address homelessness. For more information contact Macon New Beginnings, Inc. at 828.202.3103;, like us on Facebook; and/or contact your church, civic, business or political leaders.

Again, thank Macon County. 

Robert Bourke

Macon New Beginnings


To the Editor:

I am a human being, a member of a family, an American, and a Democrat, in that order.

Notice what I didn’t list. 

I could have been born in Asia, Africa, or Palestine, on a reservation, in Harlem, or in Mexico. I could have been born looking much different than I do, and treated accordingly by society, but I wasn’t. I could have been born a girl, or gay, or differently abled, but I wasn’t. I could have been raised Buddhist, Muslim, Anglican, Jewish, atheist or animist, but I wasn’t. I could have been taught only Hindi, Spanish, Russian, Swahili, or Arabic. I could have been raised only by my mother, my grandmother, or adopted, but I wasn’t. I could have been born in a different time in history, in any situation.  I had no choice in the matter. In some ways I won the lottery, in other ways, I lost. Imagine that. In some ways I lost.

Perhaps you believe that God has a plan for you, but then God has a plan for each of us, and God has us born into these very different situations around the world. Given that, how do we treat our brothers and sisters in our neighborhood, in our nation, and across the globe? Do we treat them as equal human beings, with the respect they deserve? Do we listen to each other in our vast array of experiences, or yell at each other? In this country, do we truly afford all God’s children the equal opportunities that we espouse as Americans? 

This is the great challenge of this world, now more than ever.

As a member of the human race, are you a person of good will? Do you strive toward respect, fairness, and peace?

Or do you give into fear, anger, hatred, and false division?  Do you give into arrogance or greed?

This is your choice. For the sake of your soul, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the billions of your brothers and sisters alive today and for all our descendants, please choose wisely.

Dan Kowal



To the Editor:

Traditionally, Americans have sent lawyers to congressional offices in Washington. The assumption was that they would be able to make laws and regulations. What they actually did is cut deals and trade agreements that are killing American businesses and jobs.  

While you know me as the pistol instructor, my background is stronger in business, having run several major- and medium-sized corporations. Over the years I’ve written many times that we need to send experienced businessmen/women to Washington. The government of the U.S. is one of the largest businesses in the world. Why would you send an inexperienced attorney, with no business experience to run it? A man who have never held a job, never punched a clock, never supervised people, never managed people, never created business plans, budgets or negotiated business deals? 

What Donald Trump is finally revealing is what I have written about for years. Fair trade laws that Washington negotiated served to send large parts of American business overseas. It has created severe economic results in the U.S. Our companies are not doing well, there are not enough jobs for Americans! It is difficult to achieve a middle-class position. Trump is validly pointing out that other countries are stealing from us, bad deals have been negotiated, and it is killing our economy.  

General Motors has now announced that it is going to build a new factory in Mexico. This is a company that the U.S. government had to bail out with taxpayer financial aid. Mitsubishi is closing its Illinois production factory, their only one in the U.S. If you tour the industrial parks in Mexico you will find thousands of U.S. companies that have facilities and jobs there.  

From a business point of view, GM is forced to go outside the U.S. It is the UAW that has almost put our auto companies out of business with $60 to $70 per hour salaries for production line workers. Toyota and Volkswagen have taken over our market. Trump has finally opened Pandora’s Box and has brought the truths to the surface. Now, we all know he is a jerk, but one hell of a businessman. He is leading the polls not because of who he is, but what he knows. We missed one huge opportunity with Mitt Romney. He had the business skills to turn this country around.

Americans seem inclined now to want a woman in the highest office. Regardless of political party, there are many qualified women who head up major corporations who would make an excellent leader for our country. I am searching for a bumper sticker that says ANYBODY BUT HILLARY! She doesn’t have the business qualifications and is just a crafty politician. We need to send business people to Washington who wake up every day with these thoughts:

• What can we do to strengthen American businesses today?

• What laws and regulations can we get rid of today?

• How can we lower the national debt today?

If your child came to you and asked you to cosign for a credit card, and he/she said they were going to charge half of everything they spend, would you cosign for the credit card? You bet your bippy you wouldn’t! Then, why did you let the U.S. government do this over the past few years? That’s why the national debt has skyrocketed. Over 50 percent of the money they spent was borrowed! We need to wake up folks!

Jim Sottile


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Grants to help famers offset the risk of trying something new are available through the WNC Agricultural Options program, which will distribute $178,000 in the 2016 grant cycle.

A series of informational meetings across the region includes:

  • 2-3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10, at the Swain County Extension Center in Bryson City.
  • 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10, at the Jackson County Extension Center in Sylva.

An October meeting will also be scheduled in Murphy. Since 2004, WNC Agricultural Options — funded by the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission — has awarded nearly $2 million to farmers in the 21 western counties, through mini-grants of $3,000 and $6,000. 

“The WNC AgOptions program is an excellent example of grant funds providing direct support to those who need it most,” said Ross Young, Madison County Extension Director and WNC AgOptions steering committee leader. “Our farmers are arguably the most important people in our society.”

Previous projects have run the gamut from helping farmers get started raising broiler turkeys to pick-your own berry operations to new grazing techniques.

The nonprofit WNC Communities administers the grant. Applicants should set up an appointment with the Cooperative Extension office in their county by Oct. 16. Applications are at


The public comment period for a 1,000-page study of the effects of hydraulic fracturing — known as “fracking” — on drinking water is open through Aug. 28. 

The Environmental Protection Agency study concludes that fracking can affect drinking water, through either above-ground mechanisms such as spills and inadequate treatment of waste, or below-ground mechanisms such as substances moving into drinking water through the production well. However, the number of cases when fracking impacted water resources is small relative to the number of the fracked wells, the study concludes. That could be because it’s rare for fracking to affect water or due to other factors, such as insufficient pre- and post-fracking water quality data. 

“We did not find evidence that these mechanisms have led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources in the United States,” the report says. 

Frack Free N.C., a group opposed to hydraulic fracturing, takes issue with that conclusion. 

“There is far too little known by EPA and scientists to say that there aren’t ‘widespread, systemic impacts,’” the group said in a press release. 

The report is online at

Comments can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with Docket number EPA-HQ-OA-2015-0245” in the subject line. The deadline is Aug. 28.


out monarchA talk on the migration of monarch butterflies at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 3, at the Highlands Nature Center will close out the Zahner Conservation Lecture Series in Highlands for the year.


A student-conducted energy audit of Western Carolina University won first place at the Appalachian Energy Summit in Boone, marking the third year in a row WCU students took the top prize. 

The team included 18 students, who undertook the project as their environmental science capstone project. The submission, “Evaluating Sustainability of Purchasing Practices at Western Carolina University,” measured and evaluated energy costs — both direct and indirect — of buying and using resources such as water, electricity, office supplies, electronics and fuel. 

“The research took about a year to complete,” said Julia Robinson, one of the project presenters. “We began it as a sustainability audit of WCU’s campus and then during the spring semester, we expanded on the research where we focused mainly on the indirect energy consumption occurring on our campus.”

Another WCU team also presented at the summit, examining the challenges of converting solar power to usable form. 

The summit, part of the University of North Carolina Energy Leadership Challenge, has convened annually at Appalachian State University for the past four years. This year projects from 80 students, including 15 out-of-state colleges and universities, were presented under the theme “A New State of Energy.” 


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The Smoky Mountain News is a wholly private corporation. Reader contributions support the journalistic mission of SMN to remain independent. Your support of SMN does not constitute a charitable donation. If you have a question about contributing to SMN, please contact us.