Partner content: Dinner — Something for Everyone?

Whether it’s a family gathering or a co-worker get together, what kind of meal can you make that will please everyone?
One idea may be a DIY “bowl bar” so that people can help themselves, a sort of make your own meal adventure!
For example:
• Protein – have a couple of protein options for both meat and non-meat eaters, e.g. chicken, black or kidney beans or tempeh (look for cooked frozen chicken cubes or shreds, canned, rinsed beans, pre-seasoned tempeh). Other proteins you could use: ground beef or ground chicken, salmon, seasoned tofu.
• Starch – roasted cubed sweetpotatoes, quinoa, noodles, white rice, pasta
• Vegetables – cauliflower “rice”, roasted zucchini, raw or roasted onions, chopped tomatoes, raw spinach
Related Items
• Sauces/Condiments – hot sauce, a spicy “bang bang sauce”, tzatziki sauce, a sour cream based dip
• Other additions – olives, pumpkin seeds, raisins or craisins
Put out all of these items in separate bowls with serving utensils and let everyone create their own food adventure!
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian