Here to help: Waynesville police social worker paying dividends
In 2020, following the murder of George Floyd, there was significant public outcry calling for police reform. Among the reforms people wanted to see most was the use of social workers on certain calls, people with no badge and no gun who could deal with someone in the throes of a mental health crisis.
Debut novel deals with opioid crisis
Rick Childers will share his debut novel, “Turkeyfoot,” in conversation with Meagan Lucas at 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, at City Lights Bookstore in Sylva.
On the right path: Pathways celebrates a decade of service to the community
What started off as a clever idea to address recidivism has grown into something more — a community-driven response to concerning and costly social ills like homelessness, mental illness and substance abuse disorder.
This must be the place: ‘That’s the story of my life rich or poor and mostly poor and truly poor’
To preface, this column does not reflect the views or opinions of this publication. For the last 12 years, this weekly column has been (and will remain) a vessel to conjure and express my own personal thoughts amid the wanderings and ponderings of my existence.
All of us can help fight drug addiction
To the Editor:
With interest, I read the article “Combating the Opioid Crisis” with interest in the February 22 issue of The Sylva Herald. In the article it was stated that an opioid settlement supplemental agreement awarded Jackson County $3 million to combat opioid use on the local level.
The allure of gambling money
What’s behind Republican leaders’ insistent push to legalize multiple forms of gambling – from online sports betting to casinos and video poker kiosks — despite resistance from caucus members, core Republican voters, pastors and sheriffs? What happened to concerns about crime, addiction and victimizing the poor?
Haywood program offers path out of addiction
The first thing anyone likely sees when they walk into Amanda Seay’s Haywood County Courthouse office is her quote of the month.
‘We are the medicine’: Nonprofit uses community connection to combat addiction
A new nonprofit expanding its services into Haywood County is challenging the status quo when it comes to overcoming addiction.
Data calls for empathetic approach to treating addiction
By Melanie Threlkeld McConnell • Guest writer | Two Western Carolina University professors with interests in jail populations and addiction issues collaborated with one regional county government to better understand the recovery needs of its jail inmates with substance use disorder.
Opposition forms against proposed Haywood jail
A Nov. 3 report by the Haywood County Sheriff’s Office demonstrating the need for a $16 million expansion to the existing detention center hasn’t exactly met with approval from all sectors of the community.