More repairs needed in Allen Street project

An inclinometer on the prefab slope above Bryson Park shows that some movement has occurred since it was installed more than 60 days ago, indicating a need for repair.
“We’ve got about 60 days’ worth of data now, it is showing movement,” said Sylva Public Works Director Jake Scott. “Kessel is recommending a repair.”
The town heard this second update from Scott about the inclinometer at its July 28 meeting. Though the data showed little movement as of July 14, now it is clear that a repair will be needed. In total, the construction could cost the town around $900,000, an amount that was included in the $3 million repair estimate. About $595,000 will be needed for the deep-seated repair of the slope, and $320,000 for soil mantles between Allen Street and the existing retaining wall.
“We’ll very likely come in underneath the $900,000, but I feel like it’s prudent to over budget rather than under budget,” said Scott.
When Scott updated the board about the inclinometer data and the need for repair, the board also discussed the sidewalk project between Bryson Park and Chipper Curve Road.
The sidewalk is estimated to cost $397,000. However, according to Town Manager Paige Dowling, with the current list of street repairs and upgrades to Bryson Park, the town will be $309,082 short for the whole project. For this reason, Dowling recommended that the board approve the design work for the sidewalk project, at $27,700, and give town staff time to determine what the retaining wall repair will cost, as well as where the rest of the money for the sidewalk project could come from.
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- Upgrades to Bryson Park are included in the Allen Street repair project.
The town needs to complete design work because in order to build a sidewalk between Bryson Park and Chipper Curve Road, a five-foot retaining wall is needed. The retaining wall needs to be built while contractors are on site doing slope repair. Slope repair is now expected to begin in September.
“It makes great financial sense to do it at the same time instead of paying another contractor to remobilize and come back out at the conclusion of the slope repair,” Scott said.
Commissioners feel that the sidewalk would create a buffer between the park and road, increasing pedestrian safety and providing the possibility for connection to new sidewalks in the future.
The board unanimously approved to pay for the design work for a sidewalk and retaining wall between Bryson Park and Chipper Curve Road.