YMCA camp coming to Swain County
Swain County will soon be home to a YMCA camp.
The camp — called YMCA Camp Watia — will be on land located near the Almond Boat and RV Park.
“Probably 5 miles from the highway,” said Swain County Manager Kevin King. “I think it used to be a tree farm.”
Swain’s museum offers new attraction, old relics
Inside and out, the Swain County Heritage Museum is an ode to history. The very building that houses the museum long served as the courthouse in Bryson City, and now serves to usher visitors through all those many years gone by.
A voter’s guide to the 2014 WNC election
Stories from the 2014 midterm election:
Same-sex marriages cause Swain magistrate to resign
In the short walk from the doors of the Swain County Courthouse to the steps outside it, a couple of people stopped Gilbert Breedlove to shake his hand, ask him if it was true he was resigning his post as magistrate judge and express support. After holding the job for nearly 24 years, this was the last day that Breedlove would spend his working hours in the courthouse.
Swain Commissioner snapshot
Commissioner Democratic candidates
• David Monteith is the longest serving county commissioner with 16 years on the board. Retired Ingle’s market manager and a school bus driver.
• Steve Moon has served for 8 years and is on the board and owns a tire and service shop.
• Ben Bushyhead, a retired department director in Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians government. He narrowly lost in the 2006 election for the county board but won this year.
• Danny Burns, a Pepsi Cola technician, ran as a challenger in the May primary and sailed to victory.
Commissioner Republican candidates
• Carolyn Bair, retired grocery store cashier and fast-food worker.
• Lance Grant II
Library proponents unveil a visual
The new Swain County library isn’t a reality yet — except in the minds of the true believers.
Last week, a group of Swain residents who are certain the journey to a new library is well underway gathered on a sprawling parcel resting off of Fontana Road.
Swain sees three-way race for sheriff
With Election Day nearing, Odel Chastain seemed pretty relaxed.
“I’m sitting on my porch with my feet thrown up, watching the deer,” Chastain said.
Some Swain candidates talk change, some want more of the same
Come November, voters will be selecting candidates to fill all four seats on the Swain County Board of Commissioners. They will choose from a slate of six candidates — four Democrats and two Republicans.
Fretting the PILT jilt: WNC counties could lose out if formula is altered
It’s about that time. Time to worry about PILT money.
After seeing the federal payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) program receive a one-year extension early this year, local leaders are now looking out for more than the program’s continuance going forward.
Swain polling place moves to Cherokee
Swain County voters living in Cherokee and Whittier will begin a new routine on Election Day this November. The precinct’s longtime polling place in Whittier is moving five miles down the road to Birdtown, a change that board of elections officials say was prompted by accessibility concerns.