Sen. Tillis is kissing Trump's feet

There’s no such thing as a self-made dictator. It takes more than a village to make one. Lawmakers and judges must cooperate or get out of his way. Citizens must accept that it’s all for the good or will soon pass by. That’s what happened not so long ago to new democracies in Italy, Germany and Russia. 

Bill was a power grab

To the Editor:

I’m not certain, Senator Kevin Corbin, R-Franklin, that your constituency thoroughly understands your characterization of Senate Bill 382 as an “historic legislative response.”  

LGBTQ+ candidates earn historic victories nationally, locally

Tuesday, Nov. 7 was an important night for out LGBTQ+ candidates across the country, the state and Haywood County, with more running — and winning — than in any previous odd-year election in U.S. history. 

Tillis looks towards the future in Canton

North Carolina Republican Senator Thom Tillis has taken a particular interest in Canton over the past few years, making multiple appearances in town after flooding in August 2021 and acting as a federal liaison during the ongoing paper mill shutdown saga. 

The lady legislator: Jackson County gave N.C. its first female senator

Now 75, Cashiers resident Ann Austin was just 3 years old when her grandmother died following a sudden cardiac episode. 

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