Rule of law proven a farce amid corruption
To the editor:
Remember the saying from Vietnam days that we had to destroy the village in order to save it?
Democracy is not a given, especially now
The delegates had spent a sweltering Philadelphia summer behind sealed doors and windows debating and drafting a constitution for what would become the United States of America. Asked what they had to show for it, Benjamin Franklin famously replied, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.”
Democracy in danger
You don’t need an invading army to destroy a democracy, as Russia is attempting to do to Ukraine.
You’ll need to know this word — anocracy
To the Editor: A word most of us are unfamiliar with but will become commonplace in the months and years to come is anocracy — or semi-democracy — a form of government that is loosely defined as part democracy and part dictatorship, or as a regime that mixes democratic with autocratic features.