Letters to the Editor

Partisan school board system a bad idea

To the Editor:

I was dismayed to learn that Jackson County’s all-Republican commissioners voted to approve a resolution to make local school board elections partisan.

While doing so might increase voter turnout, I see some issues with it.

When there’s partisan gridlock in Washington and Raleigh, do we want to add more of it at the local level? Do we really want those making important decisions about our children’s education to be partisan in their approach? Surely we can agree that the less politics the better. This leads to another problem — voters will not only vote along party lines, but those on the board are likely to do the same when making decisions. I have to wonder if this all-Republican group of commissioners want to do this so they can promote education budget cuts, private school vouchers and anti-diversity initiatives.

This resolution can’t become law unless it’s approved by the state senator and representative for Jackson County. I urge Sen. Kevin Corbin and Rep. Mike Clampitt to put children first and vote against it.

Betty Dishman


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