Letters to the Editor

This is not how to run a business

To the Editor:

Who likes taxes, Anyone … anyone? Right. Nobody.

So firing almost 7,000 Internal Revenue Service employees is good, right? Wait a minute, do I still have to pay taxes?  

Yep. And, in fact, you still have to pay the same amount of tax as you did before all this firing.

Those of you who wanted to “run the government like a business,” this is not it! You do not fire your collections department if you’re running a business. This will hamstring the government's ability to collect the money it is owed and increase the deficit. And if you are reading this, that will hurt you.

According to former IRS commissioners, “It will shift the burden of funding the government from people who shirk their taxes to the honest people who pay them, and it will impede efforts by the IRS to modernize customer service and simplify the tax filing process for everyone.”

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So, should you not pay your taxes, becoming one of the people who "shirk their taxes"? I wouldn't recommend it. They will probably focus on the W-2 employees, not the massive businesses, like Tesla, a company that made billions and billions in profit — an unbelievable amount of money — and didn't pay any taxes.

Allan Zacher

Lake Junaluska

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