Letters to the Editor

Pride is not a virtue

To the Editor:

I have no hatred towards anyone who chooses a different lifestyle than me. The vast majority of Americans do not care about an individual's sexual preference or what books they read.

However, with the onset of gender surgeries (a.ka. mutilations) in children and biological males unfairly competing in women's sports, there is a problem.  

LGBT agendas have been masked in love and inclusion, yet this doctrine accomplishes nothing but controversy. Since the shift a few years ago to pursue minors and disenfranchise women, a rabid and vocal minority within LGBT have decided to censor rational discussion. This is a direct attack on free speech and democracy. Vocabulary has been corrupted in a tomfoolery effort to appear victimized even though major corporations and federal government advertise and promote LGBT. That’s certainly not oppression or being part of a resistance. Veterans and POTUS only get one day of recognition; why is society forced into a month of Pride?

Many within the LGBT ranks (e.g. gaysagainstgroomers.com) are unhappy with the shift toward political idiocy and encouraging the transitioning of children abetted by allies and the medical bureaucracy driven by profits. Why must drag queens and libraries recruit impressionable children instead of reading to the elderly, the homeless, or the sick and needy?

When society is heading into unchartered waters, it would be wise to consider the fences that have provided stable structure to our existence as a species. Because some within LGBT have thoughtlessly torn down those fences in a belligerent attempt to validate sexual narcissism, overall support for LGBT has plummeted according to numerous independent polls. This fad movement proves that when identity is based on something as narrow sexual desire, the overall ideology is merely pronouncements of slavery to fashionable whims and not community oriented. It is revealing when the LGBT “community” encourages destructive surgeries but then abandons youthful transitioners who regret their decision.   

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At the current rate of in-your-face propaganda, LGBT is going to lose everything they have gained. LGBT need to clean up outliers targeting children and the inconsistencies in their circles. The whole concept of DEI pisses off most people and only furthers division which never brings differing ideas together. LGBT already have the same equal rights. Idealistic visions can quickly descend to color revolutions of totalitarian oppression as LGBT desire government to be the enforcer of their ideology on anyone who disagrees. There is no inclusivity when a tiny minority shout down others to prevent sensible discussion of the proven dangers to children.

So, let's make a deal. If we cherish freedom and tolerance — which is different from “acceptance” — then heterosexuals promise not to clamor for special recognition and Christians pledge not to demand a biblical worldview be forced upon anyone by government or collectivist bullying. In return, LGBT will stop claiming victimhood status and will cease recruiting children into this perversion. And if you are born a guy, don't go into women's restrooms or compete in women's sports. It only causes trouble.

Jeff Rockwell


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