GOP is a party in crisis

To the Editor:
I’m not a Republican, but I know a party in crisis when I see one. The “Party of Lincoln” has been bullied by President Trump into giving up its principles in fear of his wrath. For the first time, the current leadership of the Republican Party didn’t produce a policy platform at its convention, only a statement of fealty to Trump. It’s time for a major reboot and a return to relevance.
Historically, the Republican and Democratic parties have shared in common a set of bipartisan core American values: respect for the rule of law; a belief in our democratic system of government; support for democracy around the world; respect for science and fact-based discussion; respect for armed service members; loyalty to country over party. Donald Trump is an outlier. He is running roughshod over these foundational American values as he sows chaos, conflict, vulgarity, racism and disrespect, even insulting armed service members who have given their lives; and the country is coming apart under his dysfunctional and damaging administration with the acquiescence of the Republican leadership.
A stunning number of prominent Republican officials who have served inside the Trump administration or for other Republican officeholders have declared their support for Joe Biden, citing Trump as “unfit to serve” and “a threat to national security.” They understand that whatever policy differences they have with Biden can be hashed out later, but first we must secure our country from the existential threat posed by Trump.
Joe Biden is uniquely qualified to bring dignity and competence back to the presidency and to bring honor back to the soul of our nation. His proven ability to put partisan bitterness aside and work across the aisle have earned him the respect of Democrats and Republicans alike. Moe Davis, Cal Cunningham and Roy Cooper also are respected public servants who are well qualified to work to bring us out of the hyper-partisanship of Trumpism and back on track.
It’s time to put partisan divisions to the side and vote for a future we can be proud of.
Fred Schmidt