Thank God for Trump, Vance
To the Editor:
I voted for Donald Trump. I voted for J.D. Vance. I am deeply grateful for them, the wise decisions they are making and the excellent staff they have assembled. Thank God that we dodged a bullet and their outrageous, ridiculous opponents were not elected!
Susan Ivey
Protesters rally against Trump: Attendees angered by Musk’s influence, Democrats’ inaction
On a holiday meant to honor the nation’s presidents — past and present — demonstrators in Jackson and Haywood counties joined others who gathered in cities across the country to protest what they describe as a dangerous concentration of power under Donald Trump and billionaire Elon Musk.
Proposed state aid bill is an insult
The number is $53.6 billion. That’s the estimate from the N.C. Office of State Budget and Management for the damage Helene inflicted on Western North Carolina. Those are just dollars; in the bigger picture, lives have been lost, transformed and forever changed.
Jackson, Macon, Swain reach FRL agreement
Macon County has approved a new version of the Fontana Regional Library interlocal agreement that contains changes made by all three counties in the system. This marks the end of almost two years of controversy over the library agreement, libraries themselves and the merits of a regional library system.
Trump quote taken out of context
To the Editor:
On the anniversary of 9/11 you posted an opinion piece titled "GOP becoming a fascist party." Do you ever check the context of quotes used in the opinion pieces you publish or are you so eager to publish anti GOP and Trump comments that facts don't matter? Or is it just a simple matter of laziness?
We must learn to communicate
To the Editor:
No wonder some of us do not want to talk about nor listen to what we loosely call politics. At least not politics in this country at this time in the USA.
Let me know when this is published
To the Editor:
The only extremists in this country are the people who support publications like yours. Liberals support child groomers and other vile people and live in some fantasy where they think the world belongs to them.