Let me know when this is published

To the Editor:
The only extremists in this country are the people who support publications like yours. Liberals support child groomers and other vile people and live in some fantasy where they think the world belongs to them.
If you vote Democrat, you hate the U.S. So just move to another country and leave this one to the true Americans. Take your evil ideas elsewhere and see how that goes. Your brainwashing has been completed. Liberals sound and act like the confused, obedient peasants that your Democrat-led government loves to control.
Fortunately, I was raised to think for myself and not believe what I hear from a completely incompetent news source. Careful what you wish for with the Marxists and communists. They’ll treat you like trash too, if you get in their way. Watch RAV (Real America’s Voice) from 10 a.m. to noon on weekdays if you want to know what’s really happening to our country. But, being America haters, you won’t understand. Trump is not perfect but he loves the U.S. and he’s got more courage, by far, than anyone on your staff could imagine. Watch what happens. I hope your heads explode when conservatives return some common sense to our way of life.
Your bashing of conservatives is obvious. Your trashy publication would have more credit if you posted views from both sides. But you can’t control or brainwash or manipulate others then. You liberals have no arguments on policies. All you can do is spew lies and try to demean those you don’t like. Typical liberal played out narrative.
Oh yeah, I’m probably a racist, too, huh. Let me know when this is published on your editorial page.
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