Partner content: Smart Snacks
When you’re busy it’s easy to grab something like a candy bar or soda to give you a quick hit of energy, but the reality is that those types of snacks are high in sugar which won’t keep you full, satisfied or fueled for long. Some better snack ideas:
Partner content: The "Dirty Dozen" list
Question: Should I buy my fruits and vegetables based on the “Dirty Dozen” list?
Partner content: 3 uses for Plain Greek Yogurt
One item I often have in my fridge is plain Greek yogurt. I like it because it has no added sugars, is high in protein, a source of calcium and contains probiotics that may help with gut health.
Partner content: Jam and fruit spread sources with less sugar
Question: I really like having jam with my toast or biscuit in the morning but many of them seem to have so much sugar. Is there any way I can cut down on the sugar and still enjoy having it with breakfast
Partner content: Are white foods bad for you?
Question: “Are white foods bad for you?”
Sponsored: Brown eggs vs. white eggs, any difference?
Question: Are brown eggs better or healthier than white and do they taste different?
Sponsored: Don't feel like cooking? You still have meal options!
Question: My mother is in her 80’s and lives alone. While generally she is very healthy and active, I worry about her eating habits, especially on days where she may not feel well.
Sponsored: ‘The More You Do…the More You’re Able to Do’
I remember my mom saying this when I remarked one time on how busy and active she was even well into her 70’s; ‘Leah, the more I do, the more I’m able to do and the less I do, the less I feel like doing anything at all.’.
Sponsored: Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSBs)
We tend to think of sodas when we hear ‘sugar sweetened beverages’ (SSB), but, according to the CDC, the list of what SSBs includes is quite a bit longer:
Sponsored: The Bonus of BEANS
One of my resolutions for 2024 is to try and incorporate more beans into our weekly meals.