Former elections director sentenced for embezzlement

maconKimberly Michelle Bishop, the former director of Macon County’s Board of Elections, was recently sentenced to six months in prison for embezzling public funds.

Macon applies for mental health assistance grant

maconMacon County Emergency Management Services hopes to expand an existing health care model to better serve mental health patients in the county — and a grant from the Evergreen Foundation may help the department fund it.

TekTone Sound to expand operations in Macon

maconWith the help of matching grants funds from Macon County, TekTone Sound & Signal Manufacturing Inc. will expand operations at the county industrial park with the purchase of the former SKF facility.

Macon wraps up fiscal year

maconMacon County commissioners had some last-minute spending decisions to make before heading into the new fiscal year that started July 1. 

Macon’s web presence has come a long way

fr webmaconMacon County’s government website started 16 years ago with a shoestring budget.

Tourism groups prepare for rare eclipse in 2017

fr eclipseNick Breedlove has been brushing up on his astronomy lately — studying maps and learning the science behind the total solar eclipse that is set to occur on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017.

County increases operational funding to Macon schools

maconAfter further negotiations, Macon County Schools and the county commissioners will both have some skin in the game when it comes to making sure the schools have enough funding for the upcoming school year.

$30,000 to expanding businesses provided in Macon

maconMacon County commissioners have agreed to provide $30,000 toward an economic development project that promises to create 35 new jobs at an existing local business.

Macon works toward middle ground on school funding

fr maconschoolsMacon County Schools Superintendent Chris Baldwin came before the county commissioners last week to plead his case for additional funding in the 2016-17 budget.

Macon animal rescue struggling to hold on

pets maconAppalachian Animal Rescue was bustling with activity Monday morning. Staff members were getting the shelter back in order following an adoption event and several families searched for a furry companion to take home. 

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