Sponsored: Keto-friendly foods

Q: What are some “keto-friendly” foods that Ingles sells?
A: The type of “keto” diet that most follow is a low carbohydrate diet that has moderate to high amounts of fat and protein. While there are certainly products labeled “keto” or “keto friendly”, it's always best to start by focusing on foods that are naturally lower in carbohydrates rather than packaged snack foods like candy/cookies/ice cream/chips etc. — these are generally expensive and not a great source of nutrition.
Some foods that are naturally low(er) in carbohydrates per serving but
rich in nutrients:
· non-starchy vegetables - leafy greens, celery, bok choy, brussel
sprouts, broccoli, radishes, cucumber, yellow squash, zucchini etc.
Related Items
· certain fruits - like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries
· certain dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese
· proteins - like meat, chicken, fish, pork, eggs
· nuts, seeds and nut butters
Bottom Line: Any diet that you pursue for weight loss is only as good as your ability to stick with it. If you feel deprived or are missing nutrients it's not the right way of eating for you and may eventually affect your health!
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian