Sponsored: Finding Local at Ingles Markets

What does "local" mean to you? Often when people talk about buying food and beverages one of the top of mind preferences is to support locally grown/made/produced products. Unlike other terms like "certified organic"; local has no legal definition and so it may mean different things to different people.
For some "local" is a geographic designation... from their state, county, region or even within a certain distance (e.g. 100 miles). Some may also attribute local products to being family owned or smaller in size. Others may also think that in order to buy local food products you have to shop at a farm stand, a farmer's market or a tailgate market.
Fortunately at Ingles we offer a variety of locally made, crafted, grown and produced products throughout the store:
- Produce in season produce grown in NC, SC, TN and GA. NC kombucha, NC sprouts, NC meat alternatives from No Evil foods and Smiling Hara
- Meat/Seafood meat from local (NC) farms, sausage from businesses in NC, SC, TN and GA, NC wild caught shrimp and NC farm-raised (aquaculture) trout
- Dairy Laura Lynn milk comes primarily from dairy farms within 150 miles of Asheville, NC
- Breads Many of our stores sell local breads from nearby artisan bakeries like Annie's Breads and City Bakery
In addition we have a variety of NC products from companies of different sizes from large and well-known companies like Mt Olive Pickles to smaller businesses like Firewalker Hot Sauce, Sunshine Sammies Ice Cream Sandwiches and Mimi's Mountain Mixes.
Be sure to look for the LOCAL display when you shop your Ingles Market.
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
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