Sponsored: Nutrition Q & A

What are some good snacks for a person who has diabetes?
It certainly isn't necessary to have snacks, but if you have diabetes and want to either have a snack or think about something to take with you traveling, the key is to check Nutrition Facts labels on packaged items and also the serving size. If you need a few carbohydrates, combine carbohydrates with protein or if you just want a snack without carbohydrates, just have just the protein.
• Nut Butter (almond, peanut, soy)
• Hard boiled egg
• Cottage Cheese
Related Items
• Plain Greek or Skyr yogurt
• Cheese
• Crackers or bread (whole wheat or whole grain)
• Fresh, frozen or dried fruit
• Plain Cow's milk or flavored Soy Beverage
• Cereal (9gm of sugar less/serving)
Note: Non-starchy vegetables also make a good snack choice because they have few carbohydrates - celery, grape or cherry tomatoes, raw baby carrots, snap peas, radishes, jicama.
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian