Sponsored: You Can’t Have a Resolution unless you have a PLAN

In the post-holiday frenzy we hear a lot about making resolutions regarding our health and fitness. Many of us start with good intentions, but our aspirations fall flat after just a few weeks because we never figured out a plan to execute our resolutions.
Let’s look at some ways that our resolutions can become reality and be sustainable and achievable.
- Resolution: I want to drink more water instead of sodas or sweetened beverages.
- Goal: Drink at least 48-64 ounces of water per day (6-8 8oz glasses)
- Benefit: Water keeps me hydrated. It has no calories.
PLAN: I will….
- Keep a glass in the kitchen near the sink and drink a glass of water as soon as I get up in the morning.
- Fill a water bottle (reusable and dishwasher safe) every morning and bring it with me in the car.
- Have a bottle or glass of water at my desk or work site and drink that during the day.
- Drink a glass of water before and with meals.
- Drink water instead of sweetened beverages or sodas when I dine out.
Note: If you have a smart phone there are even apps that you can download to remind you to drink water!
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
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